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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of wiseone_777


    [3601]Mar 9, 2008
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    shadowysea07 wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    wiseone_777 wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    wiseone_777 wrote:
    wiseone_777 wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    where's the funny?
    It ain't done.
    Besides It's my first!
    why blooper no got funny? tomtitan sad. tomtitan sadness cause tomtitan not able speak proper engrish.
    Tomtitan is a Mexican.
    el gasp! i have been discooverd!
    quick get some pedophile to give u tickets to califorinia

    LOL!!Did y'all know that Mark Hamill also played
    *Que Star Wars music*
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  • Avatar of Falcondude123


    [3602]Mar 9, 2008
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    Falcondude123 wrote:
    Falcondude123 wrote:
    Falcondude123 wrote:


    Narrator: Tension mounted when Aang lost his composure in front of everyone!...

    Aang: I am DANG sick and tired of all you guys moping around and acting like jerks and STUPID-IDIOTS!

    Katara(personal interview): Aang is seriously losing his mind! He calls us all jerks, and then he goes and stills the immunity idol?! What the heck?!

    Narrator: Meanwhile, Sokka's plan of tribal domination fell apart behind the scenes!...

    TyLee(to Azula): If we get rid of Suki while she's still vulnerable, we split Sokka's alliance in half and re-open Zuko to joining us, in which case we get the numbers on OUR side!

    Azula: 0.o...when the heck did you, the dumb flirt, get soo deceivingly diabolical?! Heeheehee, let's do it!

    Narrator: At tribal council, emotions ran hot when Aang called out Katara for flirting her way into Zuko's alliance!...

    Aang: You have never, ever played honestly! I thought we had something on top of that submarine, and now you join Zuko at the earliest possible convenience!

    Katara: You know, I think it's interesting that you call ME dishonest when YOU stole the hidden immunity idol from Toph, a BLIND girl!

    (Everyone looks at Aang)

    Toph: WHAT!!

    Narrator: In a split-decision, Aang was almost ousted, but was spared when Suki found herself blind-sighted!...

    Ozai: Suki, (Ozai zaps Suki, killing her), the tribe has spoken...

    Narrator: Nine are left! Who will become the sole Survivor?...(theme music plays)

    2 B Continued...

    WELCOME BACK TO "SURVIVOR: AVATAR!" (Day 20-ish) Aang(personal interview): Well, we just got back from tribal council, where Katara pretty much betrayed me...again! The girl's a loose cannon! She just revealed that I stole Toph's immunity idol infront of everyone! She and I had a pact that niether of us would tell, and then she breaks that trust and now I've got a huge target on my back. Zuko(around campfire w/ everyone but Aang and Sokka): So, basically, were thinking Aang goes the next chance we get, right? Everyone: Yeah. Toph: Hey, guys, I'm sorry about blowing up at tribal, okay. Zuko: Don't be! I seriously cannot believe that Aang did that to you! Azula: *yawn* He's mentally unstable...I've been saying it from day one. Aang(from other side of camp): AARGH!!!(Everyone looks over) ...Sorry, just stubbed my toe!! Everyone: 0_o (At Reward challenge) Ozai: Aang wins immunity! Zuko: *pant* Are you *gasp* flippin kidding *pant* me!?? Katara: Oh, great! *gasp* Ozai: Aang! You have won a trip to a local cultural restaraunt where you will enjoy delicious oriental cuisine! Aang: But *pant* I AM oriental! I eat that stuff all the *gasp* time! Ozai: Well Aang, you can now choose two people to go with you! Aang: hmmm...Sokka!...and...Zuko! Everyone: 0.0 Aang(personal interview): See, Zuko's the mastermind of his alliance, so I figure that by seperating him from his minions for a day, it might give them chance to conspire and bite him in the back while he's not around. Who knows, maybe even Katara will see how weak that group is without it's leader, maybe, you know, maybe she'll come to her senses. Zuko(personal interview): Man that food was good!! (at Tribal council) Ozai: The eleventh person voted off of Survivor: Avatar...(holds up paper with Zuko's name on it)...Zuko. TyLee(curses under her breath) Aang: (smiles deviously) Ozai: Zuko, (zaps Zuko, killing him) the tribe has spoken... Eight are left! Who will be the sole Survivor! 2 B continued...
    PREVIOUSLY, ON SURVIVOR: Narrator: but eventually, Aang's alliance with Katara hit a dead end when Zuko was unexplectedly blind-sighted at tribal council! Eight are left! Who will become the sole survivor!? Toph(voice in background as we see images of Gaang getting rained on): Last night was pretty much the worstest-most-worst night of my life! We lost Zuko, so now Aang's got COMPLETE control of the game, and then this storm hit, and, like, ...BRRR! (Under crappy palm-leaf shelter) Aang: Katara, can't you just bend the rain away from us? Katara: You know what!? How bout you get off of your lazy @** and do it yourself for once! Aang: And another thing, why can't you just build a nice cave for us to sleep in, Toph? Toph: Shut the #e!! up, dumb@**!! Aangthrows hands up in the air like 'what the heck' Azula(fishing from canoe with TyLee, actually, TyLee is doing all the work): Did you see them last night? They were positively revolutionary! I just love it! TyLee: That's great, Azula, now can you help me with these nets? Azula: Don't be ridiculous...anyways, it's nice that the red-hot adrenaline of sweet vengeance is pulsing through their veins! TyLee: I don't think it's going to help us, though. The Avatard has us outnumbered, and no one wants to risk switching alliances... Azula: Yes, all true...(devious smirk)...I think it's about time we took matters into our own hands. TyLee: what do you mean? Azula: (smiles devilishly) Ozai: Sokka! Wins Reward! You will now be taken to a remote, tropical island paradise just like the one you've spent the last twenty-somethin days on, only there will be food and a place to sleep. Sokka: But I had that alrea- Ozai: SILENCE YOU FOOL!...Oh, wait, we can just edit that out, right?...Now then, get on the frikkin boat! Sokka: Wow, you've gotten cranky since yesterday... Ozai: One day you too will wake up and realize your contract has you bound to be a mediocre reality TV host for the rest of your life.... Sokka: Uhh,...okay... (At Immunity challenge) Ozai: Hey, guys, I need you all to fill out these release forms incase one of you dies in the next challenge. They basicly state that if you die, we will erase any hint of you from the show, no one will even know you were here... Now then, for this challenge, you will jump from War balloon to war balloon in a vain effort to find hidden puzzle pieces, after which you will construct a secret tunnel from the pieces, which you will follow to an underground sigma6 earthbending fight, where you will watch everything that happens and try to remember each insignificant detail for a questionaire that I will pose to you later, following which the top three will do it all over again, following which the top two will compete in a sudden-death staring contest, which isn't really suddendeath because the loser will be able to tag out to a fallen tribemate of his/her choosing, who can tagout as well,...(goes on for ten more minutes)..and then, whoever swallows the dead fish first wins! Worth playing for? Everyone: N- Ozai: Survivor's ready, GO! (later) Ozai: TyLee! Wins Immunity! Now we've just got to erase all traces of Haru and Teo from the last few episodes...Done? Good. I'll see the rest of you at tribal. (tribal council) Ozai: The next person voted out of Survivor: ATLA...(holds up paper with Aang's name on it)....Aang, (zaps Aang, killing him), the tribe has spoken... Narrator: 7 are left- wait, uh, no, we lost Haru and Teo...uh, so that makes, um,...5! Yes! 5 are left! Who will become the sole survivor? 2 B Continued...

    Sokka(personal interview): So last night at tribal, we lost Aang, probably the biggest vote of the game, and essentially now my windling group is toast...

    (in air temple, Sokka and TyLee alone)

    Sokka: Hey, listen, can I talk to you for a minute?

    TyLee: Sure, whats up?

    Sokka: Well, I've just been thinking- which is something I do, on occasion- but like, didn't you feel a sort of... 'vibe' between us when we first met?

    TyLee: *giggles*....No.

    Sokka: Really?

    TyLee: *giggles*....Yes.

    TyLee(P.I.): Right now, *giggle*, Sokka is grasping at *giggles* straws, and it's really sad to see someone sinking so low...*giggles*...it's kindof cute in a way...heeheeeheeee

    (around fire, Sokka and Katara)

    Sokka: Hey, sis, how's it going?

    Katara: Don't! Just, don't!

    Sokka: ...huh?

    Katara: Sokka, I know ur just coming over here to try andget help, but, NEWSFLASH, it's not working!

    Sokka: How do you know I didn't just want to talk?

    Katara: PUH-LEAZE!!!

    Sokka: >8(

    (at immunity challenge)

    Ozai: Today you all will be competing in a challenge of knowing ur nieghbor. I'll ask a question about who is most likely to be something, and you will write down who in your tribe you think it would be. First question: Who is most likely to be voted out?...everyone reveal ur answers....Everyone but Sokka said it wud be sokka.

    Sokka: U can't ask a question like that! It influences the final outcome of the game!

    Ozai: Uh, I'm sorry, did I just hear an anonymous voice from nowhere? Probly nothing... next question: Who is most annoying in the tribe?... Reveal....everyone said Sokka except for Sokka who wrote "Ozai's Backside"....Clever, but incorrect I'm afraid...

    Sokka: Actually it's the only right answer!

    Ozai: Final question: Is Sokka nearly as good-looking as the Oaster himself? *flexes*....Reveal!.... Answers all correct! The oaster rules! Sokka sucks! In fact, it's obvious he's gona be voted out lata tonight anyways, so...Sokka! (zapps Sokka, killing him)...the oaster has spoken!

    Tribe: *shrug, walk away*

    Narrator: At Last! the final four! Azula, the power-hungry witch! Katara, the pretty witch! TyLee, the scheming witch! Toph, the secretive witch! For the first time in survivor history: The first fully-female final four female finalists!!! Now that's a tongue-twister! Who will be the sole survivor?

    2 B Continued...

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  • Avatar of wiseone_777


    [3603]Mar 9, 2008
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    wiseone_777 wrote:
    shadowysea07 wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    wiseone_777 wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    wiseone_777 wrote:
    wiseone_777 wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    where's the funny?
    It ain't done.
    Besides It's my first!
    why blooper no got funny? tomtitan sad. tomtitan sadness cause tomtitan not able speak proper engrish.
    Tomtitan is a Mexican.
    el gasp! i have been discooverd!
    quick get some pedophile to give u tickets to califorinia

    LOL!!Did y'all know that Mark Hamill also played
    *Que Star Wars music*

    California? Pedophile? Eww...
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3604]Mar 10, 2008
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    right! here goes! new episode of drake and i mean...avatar in the city! sure...we'll go with that! (remember cl means canned laughter) WARNING: contains copious amounts of kataang, zutarians and taangers of a nervous disposition may wish to put a blindfold over their butt and use it to look at the screen, if you do this you might find some zutara. (you're familiar with the process! )

    *katara and aang are waterbending training in a pond in ba sing se*
    katara: let's see if you can dodge this!
    *katara shoots an ice shard at aang, it just hits him*
    aang: oh yeah, well try to avoid this!
    *aang does the same, katara catches it in her hand*
    katara: you lose, again!
    aang: okay, give it a rest.
    katara: but you're the loser! and i'm the winner!
    aang: okay i get it!
    katara: but you lost! and i won!
    aang: (shouting) stop!
    katara: no! i won!
    aang: why are you being so irritating?
    katara: (shouting too) because you always beat me at everything and now i've finally beaten you!
    aang: what? that's not true! why are you really being this irritating?
    katara: well maybe it's because i.. i like you and i have done for a really long time!
    aang: yeah, well maybe i've liked you since i first met you but never had the guts to tell you!
    katara: (still shouting) so you like me then!
    aang: well only if you like me!
    katara: i like you!
    aang: well then!
    katara: i guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend then!
    aang: fine! on one condition?
    katara: what?
    aang: I get to be the boyfriend!
    *opening credits*

    *zuko, toph and sokka are in the apartment, watching tv (well toph's not watching but you get the idea*
    toph: y'know, zuko. we really need to get back at aang and sokka for everything they're put us through.
    zuko: i agree. keep talking.
    sokka: (on the phone) so there i was, half naked, there was bubble wrap flying everywhere, people were going crazy and i still had half a pie in my hands when-
    *he is interrupted from his pointless story by a knock on the door*
    zuko: you'll get it.
    sokka: *stares angrily at zuko* *hangs up, gets up to answer the door*
    aang: hey, is katara here?
    sokka: don't you hve a key to this place?
    aang: well when you were half naked with bubble wrap flying everywhere and half a pie in your hands i lost it in the commotion.
    sokka: right. katara's at the pond, waiting for you.
    aang: yes, because i have waterbending training with her. hehe...it's not a date or anything... nope, just waterbending training!
    sokka: *stares* *pause* whatever*
    *katara walks in*
    katara: hey have you seen-aang! there you are! c'mon, let's go on our da-
    aang: (interrupting) DAily trip to the pond for waterbending training!
    katara: no, our da-
    aang: (interrupting) DAtive case lesson! hehe. we're learning german! *cl katara, can we just go?
    katara: okay aang but-
    *aang pushes her outside and quickly closes the door*
    katara: what's up with that?
    aang: nothing, i just wanted to get going, that's all!
    katara: why would you act so nervous around sokka if he knew we were going out? *pause as she realises what's going on* unless he doesn't know! you didn't tell him!
    aang: i'm sorry! it's just, you're his sister! i'm afraid of what he might thing!
    katara: don't be silly! he won't mind!
    aang: are you sure?
    katara: totally. tell him tomorrow.
    aang: okay, i will.
    katara: promise?
    aang: promise. oh! i got you something!
    katara: what?
    *aang reaches into his pocket and takes out a plastic toy shark*
    aang: i got this for you. i know you like dolphin-sharks!
    katara: they're only my favourite ocean predator!
    katara: thanks aang! *pause* you may hug me.
    aang: sweet! *hugs*

    *aang is pacing the floor of his shared room with sokka, practicing what he's going to say*
    aang: sokka, me and your sister have certain...feelings for each other....no, that's stupid. *pause* sokka, your sister is very hot. no that's even worse! *pause* sokka, you know on the animal channel when the male girraffe 'liked' the female girrafe? no! that's terrible!
    *canned laughter throughout*
    *sokka walks in*
    aang: sokka, i gotta tell you something, something important!
    sokka: for the last time your rash will go away on its own! *cl*
    aang: it's not that. *deep breath* katara and i are dating!
    *sokka begins to turn red, he shudders, then his head explodes into a million pieces* *cl*
    aang: AAAAAHHH!!!!
    *he wakes up, still screaming. well of course it was a dream!*
    sokka: what happened?
    aang: oh! oh it's okay! your head's fine!
    sokka: .....and you have pretty eyes!
    toph: *running in to their room* why was aang screaming? did the eggs hatch?
    sokka: what eggs?
    toph: oh, nothing? *walks out*
    *sokka and aang tear the room apart, looking for the eggs* *cl*

    to be continued when i'm bothered.
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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [3605]Mar 10, 2008
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    Iroh: Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname "the Dragon of the West"?

    Azula: I don't wanna listen to your antidotes, Uncle.

    Iroh: Anecdote.

    Azula: What?

    Iroh: You said "antidote", not "anecdote". There's a difference there.

    Azula: No, you just didn't hear me.

    Zuko: No, I heard it too.

    Dai Li: Yeah... we heard it as well.

    Azula: I didn't screw up the line! You all are deaf!

    Zuko: I think you mean "dead" not "death".
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3606]Mar 10, 2008
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    Hilarious. There's no way that Katara is Mindy, Aang is Josh, Sokka is Drake, and Toph is Megan. (I have no clue on who ISN'T Zuko.)
    tomtitan wrote:
    WARNING: contains copious amounts of kataang, zutarians and taangers of a nervous disposition may wish to put a blindfold over their butt and use it to look at the screen, if you do this you might find some zutara. (you're familiar with the process! )
    Though this part was win enough for me.
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3607]Mar 10, 2008
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    KingAtticus wrote:
    Iroh: Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname "the Dragon of the West"?

    Azula: I don't wanna listen to your antidotes, Uncle.

    Iroh: Anecdote.

    Azula: What?

    Iroh: You said "antidote", not "anecdote". There's a difference there.

    Azula: No, you just didn't hear me.

    Zuko: No, I heard it too.

    Dai Li: Yeah... we heard it as well.

    Azula: I didn't screw up the line! You all are deaf!

    Zuko: I think you mean "dead" not "death".
    that's hilarious.
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3608]Mar 10, 2008
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    Spacerac wrote:
    Hilarious. There's no way that Katara is Mindy, Aang is Josh, Sokka is Drake, and Toph is Megan. (I have no clue on who ISN'T Zuko.)
    tomtitan wrote:
    WARNING: contains copious amounts of kataang, zutarians and taangers of a nervous disposition may wish to put a blindfold over their butt and use it to look at the screen, if you do this you might find some zutara. (you're familiar with the process! )
    Though this part was win enough for me.
    well i needed the appropriate analogies. don't look at it like that. pretend they're original characters in an original plot.
    lol, remember how in the last one sokka was josh and zuko was drake?
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3609]Mar 10, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    Spacerac wrote:
    Hilarious. There's no way that Katara is Mindy, Aang is Josh, Sokka is Drake, and Toph is Megan. (I have no clue on who ISN'T Zuko.)
    tomtitan wrote:
    WARNING: contains copious amounts of kataang, zutarians and taangers of a nervous disposition may wish to put a blindfold over their butt and use it to look at the screen, if you do this you might find some zutara. (you're familiar with the process! )
    Though this part was win enough for me.
    well i needed the appropriate analogies. don't look at it like that. pretend they're original characters in an original plot.
    lol, remember how in the last one sokka was josh and zuko was drake?
    Yeah, that was even more hilarious, it fits so well. You know, since Drake has way too many fangirls like Zuko.
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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3610]Mar 11, 2008
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    My first blooper in weeks...

    The War between spongebob an avatar

    Aang: okay when we get down there, we unleash hell on all of Bikini Bottom.

    (all cheering)

    Roku: *distant* STOOOOOOOOOP

    *silence as Roku approches*

    Aang: Avatar Roku

    Roku: what are we all fighting about? What are we all losing innocent people over?

    Aang: are you kidding? those guys are so dumb and they steal our screen time and they got new episodes but we haven't had one in months.

    *all agreeing*

    Roku: that may be true, but we need to try to work out our differences and lean to live together in peace and co-existance. a world with both avatar and spongebob live together.

    * long silence *

    Sokka: kill the avatar

    Katara: eliminate the traitor

    Roku: oh no! *gunned down*

    Edited on 03/11/2008 12:58pm
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3611]Mar 11, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    right! here goes! new episode of drake and i mean...avatar in the city! sure...we'll go with that! (remember cl means canned laughter) WARNING: contains copious amounts of kataang, zutarians and taangers of a nervous disposition may wish to put a blindfold over their butt and use it to look at the screen, if you do this you might find some zutara. (you're familiar with the process! )

    *katara and aang are waterbending training in a pond in ba sing se*
    katara: let's see if you can dodge this!
    *katara shoots an ice shard at aang, it just hits him*
    aang: oh yeah, well try to avoid this!
    *aang does the same, katara catches it in her hand*
    katara: you lose, again!
    aang: okay, give it a rest.
    katara: but you're the loser! and i'm the winner!
    aang: okay i get it!
    katara: but you lost! and i won!
    aang: (shouting) stop!
    katara: no! i won!
    aang: why are you being so irritating?
    katara: (shouting too) because you always beat me at everything and now i've finally beaten you!
    aang: what? that's not true! why are you really being this irritating?
    katara: well maybe it's because i.. i like you and i have done for a really long time!
    aang: yeah, well maybe i've liked you since i first met you but never had the guts to tell you!
    katara: (still shouting) so you like me then!
    aang: well only if you like me!
    katara: i like you!
    aang: well then!
    katara: i guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend then!
    aang: fine! on one condition?
    katara: what?
    aang: I get to be the boyfriend!
    *opening credits*

    *zuko, toph and sokka are in the apartment, watching tv (well toph's not watching but you get the idea*
    toph: y'know, zuko. we really need to get back at aang and sokka for everything they're put us through.
    zuko: i agree. keep talking.
    sokka: (on the phone) so there i was, half naked, there was bubble wrap flying everywhere, people were going crazy and i still had half a pie in my hands when-
    *he is interrupted from his pointless story by a knock on the door*
    zuko: you'll get it.
    sokka: *stares angrily at zuko* *hangs up, gets up to answer the door*
    aang: hey, is katara here?
    sokka: don't you hve a key to this place?
    aang: well when you were half naked with bubble wrap flying everywhere and half a pie in your hands i lost it in the commotion.
    sokka: right. katara's at the pond, waiting for you.
    aang: yes, because i have waterbending training with her. hehe...it's not a date or anything... nope, just waterbending training!
    sokka: *stares* *pause* whatever*
    *katara walks in*
    katara: hey have you seen-aang! there you are! c'mon, let's go on our da-
    aang: (interrupting) DAily trip to the pond for waterbending training!
    katara: no, our da-
    aang: (interrupting) DAtive case lesson! hehe. we're learning german! *cl katara, can we just go?
    katara: okay aang but-
    *aang pushes her outside and quickly closes the door*
    katara: what's up with that?
    aang: nothing, i just wanted to get going, that's all!
    katara: why would you act so nervous around sokka if he knew we were going out? *pause as she realises what's going on* unless he doesn't know! you didn't tell him!
    aang: i'm sorry! it's just, you're his sister! i'm afraid of what he might thing!
    katara: don't be silly! he won't mind!
    aang: are you sure?
    katara: totally. tell him tomorrow.
    aang: okay, i will.
    katara: promise?
    aang: promise. oh! i got you something!
    katara: what?
    *aang reaches into his pocket and takes out a plastic toy shark*
    aang: i got this for you. i know you like dolphin-sharks!
    katara: they're only my favourite ocean predator!
    katara: thanks aang! *pause* you may hug me.
    aang: sweet! *hugs*

    *aang is pacing the floor of his shared room with sokka, practicing what he's going to say*
    aang: sokka, me and your sister have certain...feelings for each other....no, that's stupid. *pause* sokka, your sister is very hot. no that's even worse! *pause* sokka, you know on the animal channel when the male girraffe 'liked' the female girrafe? no! that's terrible!
    *canned laughter throughout*
    *sokka walks in*
    aang: sokka, i gotta tell you something, something important!
    sokka: for the last time your rash will go away on its own! *cl*
    aang: it's not that. *deep breath* katara and i are dating!
    *sokka begins to turn red, he shudders, then his head explodes into a million pieces* *cl*
    aang: AAAAAHHH!!!!
    *he wakes up, still screaming. well of course it was a dream!*
    sokka: what happened?
    aang: oh! oh it's okay! your head's fine!
    sokka: .....and you have pretty eyes!
    toph: *running in to their room* why was aang screaming? did the eggs hatch?
    sokka: what eggs?
    toph: oh, nothing? *walks out*
    *sokka and aang tear the room apart, looking for the eggs* *cl*

    to be continued when i'm bothered.


    *katara and aang are at the pond*
    katara: so did you tell sokka?
    aang: err...yup! i told him!
    katara: what did he say?
    aang: err... yeey...
    katara: yay?
    aang: well it wasn't a 'yay!' it was more of a 'yeey...'
    katara: see, i told you he wouldn't mind!
    aang: yeah...
    katara: well we really should be doing some waterbending training, you haven't improved since we started dating 2 weeks ago!
    aang: right, waterbending! *aang pulls out the toy dolphin shark and holds it up to katara's face*
    katara: (gigging) oh aang! (pause) i've been thinking, it's been 2 weeks and we haven't even kissed yet.
    aang: well shall we change that?
    *aang and katara lean in to kiss*
    *aang pulls out*
    aang: oh i can't do this! i lied! i didn't tell sokka! i just couldn't face it!
    katara: what? (pause) well if you can't even tell your best friend and my brother that we're dating then..i don't think i can date you!
    aang: katara!
    katara: sorry aang.
    *she walks off*
    aang: (looking at the dolphin shark toy) well at least i got custody of you! *cl*
    *zuko walks after katara, aang drags him away*
    aang: don't even think about it!

    *toph, zuko and sokka are in the same position as before*
    toph: so zuko, you're pretty smart right?
    zuko: well...yeah.
    toph: say fort.
    zuko: fort.
    toph: three times.
    zuko: fort fort fort.
    toph: spell it twice.
    zuko: F-O-R-T F-O-R-T
    toph: three more times quikly.
    zuko: fortfortfort.
    toph: what do you eat soup with?
    zuko: ha! a fork!
    toph: really? because i eat mine with a spoon!
    sokka: y'see if you use a fork the liquid will-
    zuko: I KNOW!
    *aang runs in*
    toph: on it!
    zuko: allow me!
    *they run out*
    sokka: aren't you going to help them?
    aang: there's no emergency, i need to talk to you. follow me.
    *they go into their shared room*
    aang: okay, here goes.......i'm dating your sister.
    sokka: what?
    aang: oh you hate me! i knew you would! and-
    sokka: (whilst he's talking) aang.
    aang: i mean i should've-
    sokka: (whilst he's talking) aang?
    aang: and i have no right to-
    sokka: AANG!
    aang: what?
    sokka: i knew you two were dating.
    aang: ...but you think i'm stupid for not telling you.
    sokka: no that's not why i think you're stupid.
    sokka: i knew you liked katara for ages! and i don't mind. i think you two make a great couple, and i don't think katara can choose a better guy than the avatar!
    aang: thanks man.
    sokka: so?
    aang: what?
    sokka: aang and katara! it finally happened!
    aang: yeah. it did happen. but not anymore.
    sokka: she broke up with you? oh did you show her your dolphin-shark toy collection? i told you it's not cool!
    aang: that's not it! and i did show her it and she thought it was very cool!
    aang: she broke up with me because i wouldn't tell you.
    sokka: i see.....let's go.
    aang: where?
    sokka: i'm going to get you and katara back together. i've been waiting 3 seasons for this ad i'm not going to let it fall apart because of this!
    aang: thanks man, you're the best.
    sokka: yeah, i know.
    aang: oh since you're helping me with katara, y'see when i went in to kiss her i-
    sokka: (interrupting) not imagining you and my sister making out!
    *he pushes him out the door and follows*

    *toph and zuko have returned to the couch, katara has joined them*
    toph: hey zuko, here's another riddle. what do you do if a herd of ostrich horses are running towards you?
    zuko: a spoon!
    katara: what?
    *aang and sokka run in*
    zuko: nice try! we're not falling for that again!
    toph: i can tell you're lying!
    sokka: err..umm...we won the KCA!
    zuko: what?
    toph: finally! take that nurglebob plaguepants!
    *toph, zuko and katara run out, sokka stops katara*
    katara: sokka, we won!
    sokka: no we didn't! the sponge trampled us!
    sokka: aang needs to talk to you. kthxbye!
    *sokka runs after zuko and roph*
    sokka: guys! we didn't win!
    aang: firstly, i wanted to say that i told sokka about us.
    katara: oh.
    aang: and i'm really, really sorry for lying to you, and not being brave enough beforehand.
    katara: and yet you fought the most bada** firebender on the planet.
    aang: well, i'm really, really sorry.
    katara: i accept your apology aang, but i don't think we should be going ou anymore.
    aang: oh, yeah. (small explosion in distance) i totally agree.
    katara: yeah................. (pause) oh just kiss me!
    *they kiss*
    *sokka, toph and zuko run past, sokka stops*
    sokka: guys! fire and landslide! come quickly!
    *aang and katara are still kissing*
    sokka: guys? guys? .... guuys?......oh forget this! *runs off*
    *aang and katara stop kissing*
    aang: that was awesome!


    kinda lane i know.

    well that's the end of that. i'm done with teh D+J ripoff-i mean... 'inspired' episodes. normal service will be resumed shortly.
    hope you enjoyed!
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3612]Mar 11, 2008
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    It was funny but I can't remember the episode it's based on or who the characters are supposed to be.
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  • Avatar of crazy17


    [3613]Mar 11, 2008
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    LOL This is turning into a parody thread!
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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [3614]Mar 11, 2008
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    Spacerac wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    Iroh: Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname "the Dragon of the West"?

    Azula: I don't wanna listen to your antidotes, Uncle.

    Iroh: Anecdote.

    Azula: What?

    Iroh: You said "antidote", not "anecdote". There's a difference there.

    Azula: No, you just didn't hear me.

    Zuko: No, I heard it too.

    Dai Li: Yeah... we heard it as well.

    Azula: I didn't screw up the line! You all are deaf!

    Zuko: I think you mean "dead" not "death".
    that's hilarious.

    I thought it was funny. Seems like an actual blooper from the show, yeah?
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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [3615]Mar 11, 2008
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    crazy17 wrote:
    LOL This is turning into a parody thread!

    As long as the bloopers/parodies keep coming!
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  • Avatar of wiseone_777


    [3616]Mar 11, 2008
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    The Siege of the North Part II.

    Iroh: LET IT GO, NOW!!

    Zhao lets the the Moon Spirit go.

    Zhao: HYAH!!!(hits ocean spirit)

    Director: CUT!!! Zhao, you're supposed to hit the Moon Spirit.

    Zhao: SORRY! It's sorta hard if you have no control!!


    Iroh(in baby voice): Can I still unleash on him ten-fold?? PLEASE??

    Katara: So thats where Zuko got his whiny voice! Katara likes....

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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3617]Mar 12, 2008
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    Spacerac wrote:
    It was funny but I can't remember the episode it's based on or who the characters are supposed to be.
    it's based on the one where josh and mindy start going out, but the characters aren't meant to be based on anyone, i just took some quotes from the episode, added a few of my own and made a plot out of it.
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3618]Mar 12, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    Spacerac wrote:
    It was funny but I can't remember the episode it's based on or who the characters are supposed to be.
    it's based on the one where josh and mindy start going out, but the characters aren't meant to be based on anyone, i just took some quotes from the episode, added a few of my own and made a plot out of it.
    Oooohhh, I figured that. Though I would think you'd word your post

    "it's totally not based on the one where josh and mindy start going out,..." lol.
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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [3619]Mar 12, 2008
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    Azula: Do you really think you can fight me!?

    Aang: No, not really.

    Azula: Well that makes things easier.

    Zuko: You spoke too soon!

    Azula: Oh no, my older brother! Whatever will I do?

    Aang: Wait, your own sister beats you? That's not cool!

    Zuko: I think we've gone off script... what's my next line?

    Director: Nah, keep going with this. It's very good.
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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3620]Mar 12, 2008
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    segman2008 wrote:

    My first blooper in weeks...

    The War between spongebob an avatar

    Aang: okay when we get down there, we unleash hell on all of Bikini Bottom.

    (all cheering)

    Roku: *distant* STOOOOOOOOOP

    *silence as Roku approches*

    Aang: Avatar Roku

    Roku: what are we all fighting about? What are we all losing innocent people over?

    Aang: are you kidding? those guys are so dumb and they steal our screen time and they got new episodes but we haven't had one in months.

    *all agreeing*

    Roku: that may be true, but we need to try to work out our differences and lean to live together in peace and co-existance. a world with both avatar and spongebob live together.

    * long silence *

    Sokka: kill the avatar

    Katara: eliminate the traitor

    Roku: oh no! *gunned down*

    That reminds me of a south park episode with those giant otters.

    Otter: Kill the wise one!!!

    Otter: Yes kill him!!

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