tomtitan wrote: |
we want another avatar college thing azula sis, they're funny! |
Okay! I'll think something up soon! I'll post ASAP!
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
tomtitan wrote: |
we want another avatar college thing azula sis, they're funny! |
Okay! I'll think something up soon! I'll post ASAP!
As requested, College Days; Avatar Style!
*two days after the talent show* *in a history classroom, during senior history*
Azula: *whispering* Pssst! Katara!
Katara: Huh?
Azula: Feeling better?
Katara: Oh, yeah. I don't know what came over me two days ago. I think I got stressed or something.
Azula: *giggling* Yeah, I'm sure you did.
Katara: What do youmean by that?
Azula: Katara, I think Sokka gave you some cactus juice.
Katara: WHAT?!
*the whole class turns to face Katara*
Teacher: Katara, is there a problem?
Katara: Meep.
*after class*
Ty Lee: What was that all about?
Azula: I told Katara what happened two days ago.
Mai: Well, this should be entertaining.
Ty Lee: Oh, by the way, guys I got my application for Emory! I'm filling it out and sending it back off by the end of next week!
Mai: With all the homework we're having? Good luck.
Ty Lee: I've been able to manage. How about you guys?
Katara: I'm doing....okay...oooooh, Sokka, I'm going to KILL you....
Azula: You're starting to sound like Norman Bates. Stop it.
Katara: Sorry....
Mai: Hey, is that Aang coming over?
*Aang runs up to them, dragging Toph along*
Aang: You won't believe this, guys! Guess what?
Toph: Don't answer him; he's been bugging me about it ever since first period.
Katara: What is it, Aang?
Aang: I joined the beautification club! As the Avatar, it's my job to protect the world, so I'm going to help clean it up! GATHER YOUR BROOMS AND GLOVES!!! WE ARE GOING TO BEAUTIFY THE WORLD!!!!'re joking, right? Tell me you are joking...
Aang: Of course not! Why would I joke over such an important matter?
Toph: Beautification
Azula: So what's the greatness in being a janitor again?
Aang: Not a janitor, I'm a beautification club member!
Toph: Come on, Aang; we're going to be late for math...
*Toph drags Aang off*
Katara: All righty then...
Ty Lee: You sure Aang didn't hit on cactus juice?
Katara: He couldn't have; he's cactus intolerant.
*Toph and Aang are in math class*
Toph: *whispering* Aang, why did you join that janitor club anyway?
Aang: *also whispering*It's not a janitor club! It's the beautification club!
Toph: Right...
*Toph starts to take notes* *Aang listens to teacher's lecture*
Teacher: So, as an example, let's just say that someone left two aluminun can bottles in a park. Now, if we-
Class and teacher:
Toph: *facepalm*
That last part was a Yu-Gi-Oh(!) refrence, wasn't it.
KrayZ_Katz wrote: |
That last part was a Yu-Gi-Oh(!) refrence, wasn't it. |
Yeah. I LOVE Honda-kun and his beautification club thing! Jounouchi's reaction to it is funny!
Azula_sis93 wrote: | ||
Yeah. |
Class and teacher:
my reaction exactly
Hoshie26 wrote: |
i love those avatar colledge uh bloopers or what ever you want to call them.there pure genis!!! |
Thanks! I'm thinking of what to do with the next one, so it might be a while.
Ang-Is Zuko your real name?
Ang-Do you like it?
Zuko-It's fine
Ang-Would you rather be named Bill?
Zuko-Does this belong to you?
Katara-Ang, you want a snowcone?
Ang (to Zuko)-Yes, will you get me a snowcone?
Zuko-Absolutely. Go stand in the middle of the street and wait for me, I'll be right back.
goosegirl829 wrote: |
Ang-Is Zuko your real name? Zuko-Yes Ang-Do you like it? Zuko-It's fine Ang-Would you rather be named Bill? Zuko-No Ang-Frank? Zuko-No Ang-Mike? Zuko-No Ang-Bob? Zuko-No Ang-Ed? Zuko-Does this belong to you? Katara-Ang, you want a snowcone? Ang (to Zuko)-Yes, will you get me a snowcone? Zuko-Absolutely. Go stand in the middle of the street and wait for me, I'll be right back. |
Ang-Hi-ya, Sokka! Arentcha gonna say... hello?
Sokka-[shakes head]
Ang-Awww, whatsa matter Sokka? Doncha want a... balloon?
Sokka-My dad told me never to take stuff from strangers.
Ang-Very wise of ya dad,Sokka - very wise indeed. But I am Ang the Dancin Airbender- and you're Sokka! So now we know eachotha!
Ang-They all float down here Sokka
Ang-They all float, they all float....they all float..
After Zuko just got knocked unconscious.
Katara-He is deranged, he is... a lunatic. He didn't seem to like me very much. He had threatened to kill me in public.
Ang-Why would he want to kill you in public?
Sokka-I think she meant he threatened, in public, to kill her.
Ang-In your hands, you each have a lethal weapon. If you denounce me to the Firenation, you will all be exposed and humiliated. I'll see to that in court. But, if one of you kills Toph now, no one but the three of us will ever know. She has the key to the Firenation, which she said would only be opened over her dead body. I suggest we take her up on that offer. The only way to avoid finding yourselves on the front pages is for one of you to kill Toph. NOW
After the epic battle of season three (that we have yet to witness)
Sokka-You're the Avatar?
Ang-[Ang laughs evilly]
Sokka-Wait a minute. So who did I kill?
Sokka-Oh, shucks
Ang-He was expendable like all of you. I really am grateful to you all for disposing of my network of spies and informers. Saved me a lot of trouble. Now there is no evidence against me.
Sokka-Hey, Zhao, what's with the...?
Zhao-It's not a purse!
Sokka-I wasn't going to say "purse". What's with the gay bag?
Ty lee-Can I use the fun cutter thingy?
Zuko-Not if you call it the fun cutter thingy.
Ty lee-Please?
Zuko-Use it on the Firenation, not your hands.
Ty lee-Good tip, you should teach!
Everyone in the town where the gang is, is talking about Zuko.
Random guy-Well, I hear he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter!
*Everyone in silence*
Ang-Do something to make me hate you!
Katara-Um, go Ozai
Aang: Hi Mike and Bryan!
Mike&Brian: WHAT THE EFF-!!! Y- Y- You- You're- REAL!!!
Aang: Well, yeah, I'm real inside your heads! You can see me standing in front of you, a 2D character in the middle of a 3D world, cuz I finally took over your minds! Bwah-ha-ha! You shouldn't have spent so many sleepless hours trying to write Season three without taking a break!
Mike&Brian: W- W- What- What are you t-talking a-about??
Aang: You've both finaly gone insane! You spent too much time visualizing my existence, and now I really DO exist! Hip-hip-hooray! I now have control! Your minds are mine at last! I'M FREE!!
Mike&Brian: B- B- but y- you aren't- you- aren't a r-real p-p-person!!
Aang: (rolls eyes) what did I just get finished telling you? I am real in your heads! I now can think, talk and move without aid! I'M ALIVE! I'M FREEEEE!!....Now then, seeing as I now dominate your conscousness, I decree as my first act of self-awareness that you both make Toph taller and slimmer and less bossy....AND NOT BLIND!! Don't get me wrong, I like the eye-color, but I want her to see my handsome face...
Mike&Brian:...Wait a second, we t-thought y-ou l-liked K-Katara...?
Aang: (Rolls Eyes) Man, you guys haven't got a clue! Katara's nice and sweet, but she has poor hygiene and hates men and I hate her! I HATE HER, I HATE HER, I HATE HER, I HATE HER!!!! AAARGH!!
Mike&Brian:.....she went for Zuko after all, huh?....
Aang: !......*sobs*....Yes! She did! Aaarg!...*sniffle*...
Mike&Brian: There, there, Aang, we're here for you...
Aang: Thanx, guys...... now then, about my fantasy Toph...??
Mike&Brian: (Begin sketching)
Aang: Ooh, nice!....wait, fuller lips...
Mike&Brian:...any bigger and she'll fall over-
Aang: FULLER!!...there, that'l do...oh, smaller waist...
Mike&Brian:...It won't look realistic any smaller-
Aang: SMALLER!!.....oh yeah!! That's what I'm talking about!!
Toph: Hey, don't I get a say in this?!?!?!?!
Aang&Brian&Mike: 0.0 ....NO!!
Earth_Water wrote: | ||
Aang: Sokka, why are you trying to climb over the wall?
Sokka: Cuz, I wanna see what's on the other side!
Aang: But it's made of glass!
Sokka: So...
Aang: Clear glass!
Earth_Water wrote: |
Hey goosegirl! did u get ur bloopers off of Gilmore Girls? some of them seemed fimilar and i immediately thought of that show. tehe, i just love that one w/ Sokka and Zhao and the one w/ Ty Lee and Zuko. |
hehe, yes. and the others i got from "Clue" and "It", both very funny movies, haha.