avatar abridged season 2 episode 1. after a 2 day hiatus i have returned!
aang: oh great, a flashback episode!
flashback aang: oh look a kitty!
sokka: aang i don't think that-
flashback aang: (glowy) YES. IT. IS!
katara: ok aang, you win, it's a kitty!
flashback aang: who? whaa? get out of my house! kung-fu action jesus powers, activate! *destroys fire temple*
flashback aang impersonating a sailor: wow, i feel really stupid for saying 100 ships was overkill
flashback koizilla aang: and you should!
aang: whoah! i gotta cut back on those shrooms!
katara: what was the dream about?
aang: i dreamt i activated my kung fu action jesus powers, and it was scary!
pakku: katara, take this plot solving vial of water.
katara: but...this plot can't be resolved with water!
pakku: i know, you'll have to wait until the very end of season 2 for it to be useful.
katara: fine!
pakku: aang, take these scrolls.
aang: but i want you to teach me!
pakku: tough!
sokka: do i get anything?
pakku: no, because of you the princess of the northern tribe is dead.
sokka: oookay!
iroh: (being massaged) ahh yeah, zats ze stuff! don't be afraid to go right into the muscles!
zuko: (whiny emo rant)
iroh: oy vey enough viv ze emo stuff already! sheesh yer such a noodnik!
zuko: whinywhinewhinyscarwhinywhinywhniebansihment whinywhinewhineanniversarywhinewhinywhinedaddy'slove!
azula: (darth vader-like voice) my brother and uncle are traitors to the fire nation, if you hesitate to kill them (deep vader breath) i will kill you.
captain: umm..ahem..um..princess azula?
azula: what is it mortal?
captain: umm..well..i feel i've worked very hard and..umm..
azula: spit it out!
captain: my son is graduating and i really need the money and can i have a raise?
azula: (takes vader breath) your death shall be a slow and painful and extremely unpleasant experience, then, after you have died and all of the pain is gone, i will convince my old friend satan to make your suffering in hell extremely... bad.... (vader breath)
captain: o shi-!
general fong: greetings avatar aang and his friends whose names i.. do not know, welcome to my base! i am definitely not a villain!
katara: wow i totally believe him!
aang: he can't be a villain!
general fong: well now that the introductions are over, let's force aang to activate his kung fu action jesus powers so that he can go now to kill the firelord!
aang: but it's only the beginning of season 2! i can't face ozai until mid season 3! and even then i'm bound to fail!
fong: i don't care! i hate this show! if it wasn't for this stupid contract i could've been in my own sitcom, fong and feng!
*cue theme music*
it's the fong and feng show!
fong: long feng, did you brainwash my girlfriend into going out with you?
long feng: (russian accent) why yes, yes i did!
*canned laughter*
*end music*
fong: as you can see, we already had the pilot episode! but noo! i had this stupid contract! so i'm ending the show in this episode! mwahahaha!....did i mention i'm not a villain?
lo: you'd better get the technique right!
li: or we'll mentally scar you!
azula: (breath) i'm the only one who does the scarring here! so watch this! *does lightning* how was that?
lo: well you could've do-
li: it was perfect! (to lo) do you have a deathwish? no one messes with azula!
lo: brilliant!
azula: that's what i thought you said!
aang: fong, your sob story really touched me, i will help you make fong and feng a reality, i will activate my kung fu action jesus powers!
fong: excellent!
katara: absolutely not aang! my entire future career depends on this show!
sokka: but me and aang already have people wanting to make a sitcom with us! it's called 'avatar in the city'!
katara: why did no one tell me?
aang: they didn't want you in the show, sorry!
katara: i hate you all! i'll never talk to you again this scene!
iroh: zuko, vat vere you thinking? we can't take these shells? vere fugitives now!
zuko: but i really really want the shells and i *whiny rant*
iroh: alright alright, ve'll take the shells!
azula: (breath) no you won't, i will kill you both!
zuko: azula! i should've known!
iroh: oy vey as if ve didn't have enough problems!
azula: anyway, father wants you to return home!
zuko: i totally believe you!
iroh: (to himself) ya schmock!
katara: aang, can we talk?
aang's thoughts: oh boy this is it! she's going to tell you how she feels! now don't screw this up lover boy!
aang: i understand, voices in my head!
katara: fong is obviously a villain!
aang's thoughts: false alarm, it's just plot relevant stuff!
aang: fong isn't a villain, didn't you hear him, he specifically said that he's not a villain!
katara: but he-
aang: i don't want to hear any more of this! i'm going to fong now!
katara: but i-fine! but i'm not coming!
zuko: we're finally going home!
iroh: you're such a schmock! how can ya be so freakin retarded?
zuko: azula says she's going to let me tend the rabbits!
iroh: yer so retarded yer making references to 20th century american literature! oy vey!
zuko: well fine, don't tend the rabbits then!
iroh: you do know how of mice and men ends right?
aang: no! more flashbacks!
flashback aang: kung fu action jesus powers activate! *smashes aang*
aang: no! *wakes up*
sokka: go to sleep!
aang: i can't do it, i can't activate my kung fu action jesus powers!
iroh: zuko! don't leave! it's a trap!
*ackbar sings the trap rap*
zuko: i don't care about you or your star wars references, i only care about my 20th century american literature references!
iroh: i don't know why i bother! *follows*
aang: so you see fong, i really like avatar the last airbender, so it can't end now, fong and feng will have to wait!
fong: i see, guards, attack him!
aang: what is the meaning of this?
fong: i am a villain! mwahahaha!
aang: whoah, super special awesome plot twist!
fong: men, attack!
guard: yes sir!
fong: now, use your kung fu action jesus powers! use it and end this show!
aang: never! *dodges flying disks*
azula: (breath) welcome zuko and iroh....to your doom! mwahaha!
ackbar: it's a trap!
azula: silence ackbar! there's only room for one star wars reference in this episode!
zuko: oh no! it's a trap!
iroh: *facepalm*
katara: aang, see? i told you fong was a villain!
aang: less talking, more running!
katara: oh no! i can't run!
fong: avatar, i have your girlfriend! now what will you do?
aang's thoughts: whatever you do, don't go glowy!
aang: kung-fu action jesus powers, activate!
aang's thoughts: if i had a face and a palm i would so be facepalming right now!
fong: yes, finally!
zuko: die azula die!
azula: foolish child, you cannot harm me, i'm darth azula b***h!
zuko: i'll try!
iroh: zuko! lets' go!
*they leave*
fong: yes aang, it worked!
roku: who? whaa? why do you keep doing this? can't you leave me alone?
aang: no!
roku: if i tell you dome plot relevant stuff, will you leave?
aang: sure!
roku: if you die when you're glowing, there will be no more avatars, now go!
aang: ok!
*glowy aang slams the ground, owning everyone*
aang: did i save you katara?
katara: actually, he let me go!
aang: ok!
sokka: take this! *slams fong* now avatar the last airbender shall continue!
aang: yay!
guard: wer'e sorry for attacking you, but you'll still have to pay for damages!
sokka: quick! to appa!
aang: (on appa) later suckers! to omashu!
guard: darn it!
fong: yes! i'm dead, now i can be in my sitcom with long feng!
long feng: not quite! in about 13 episodes i'll be a main antagonist!
fong: nooooooo!!!!!!