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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3181]Feb 1, 2008
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    :hey i'm new here so here's a blooper.


    Aang: it's not what looks like.

    Sokka: oh yes it does.

    Aang: Umm........ This is a new waterbending trick.

    Sokka: so i suppose you have to strip down naked to do do it?

    Aang: yep

    Sokka: YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS I'M gonna kill you

    Aang: Crap.

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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3182]Feb 1, 2008
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  • Avatar of crazy17


    [3183]Feb 1, 2008
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    I call this segment: The Laugh-a-thon! XD

    Sokka: *pins Azula against the wall and laughs* I'm sorry! Let's try that again.

    Ursa: What is wrong with that...person. *laughs* Sorry!

    Aang: *laughs after he pwns those buzzard wasps*

    Zuko: My life hasn't been that either... *laughs* Sorry! That was messed up!

    Azula: *to Ty Lee* You're not a challenge. You're a tease. Ty Lee: *(tries not to laugh*
    Azula: D***it, stop laughing! *both she and Ty Lee laugh*

    Toph: Whenever you're ready...the Pebble! *starts laughing ten farts* O_O *laughs*

    Katara: But if you make one step out of line, give me one reason to make me hurt you- *bursts out laughing* *holds onto Zuko for support* Sorry! *continues laughing*

    Zuko: You brought this on yourself, you know.
    Iroh: *trying very hard not to laugh*
    Zuko: We could've returned together...he's laughing, isn't he? *walks away* D***it!

    Aang: Zuko! Dance with me!
    Zuko: *holds Aang by his waist and grabs his right hand and does a waltz with him* HAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god...sorry, I couldn't resist!
    Aang: *laughs*

    Mai: There is no fathoming the depth of my wh***dom of this place. *laughs* Sorry! I meant to say "hatred", but it turned into "boredom"! *laughs*

    Iroh: *to Ying* That's a handsome baby. *tickles Hope, but it turns out to be Iroh's head coming out of the blanket* Goo-goo.
    Ying: Oh, my! What are we gonna do? *laughs*
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3184]Feb 2, 2008
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    avatar abridged season 2 episode 1. after a 2 day hiatus i have returned!

    aang: oh great, a flashback episode!
    flashback aang: oh look a kitty!
    sokka: aang i don't think that-
    flashback aang: (glowy) YES. IT. IS!
    katara: ok aang, you win, it's a kitty!

    flashback aang: who? whaa? get out of my house! kung-fu action jesus powers, activate! *destroys fire temple*

    flashback aang impersonating a sailor: wow, i feel really stupid for saying 100 ships was overkill
    flashback koizilla aang: and you should!

    aang: whoah! i gotta cut back on those shrooms!
    katara: what was the dream about?
    aang: i dreamt i activated my kung fu action jesus powers, and it was scary!

    pakku: katara, take this plot solving vial of water.
    katara: but...this plot can't be resolved with water!
    pakku: i know, you'll have to wait until the very end of season 2 for it to be useful.
    katara: fine!
    pakku: aang, take these scrolls.
    aang: but i want you to teach me!
    pakku: tough!
    sokka: do i get anything?
    pakku: no, because of you the princess of the northern tribe is dead.
    sokka: oookay!

    iroh: (being massaged) ahh yeah, zats ze stuff! don't be afraid to go right into the muscles!
    zuko: (whiny emo rant)
    iroh: oy vey enough viv ze emo stuff already! sheesh yer such a noodnik!
    zuko: whinywhinewhinyscarwhinywhinywhniebansihment whinywhinewhineanniversarywhinewhinywhinedaddy'slove!

    azula: (darth vader-like voice) my brother and uncle are traitors to the fire nation, if you hesitate to kill them (deep vader breath) i will kill you.
    captain: umm..ahem..um..princess azula?
    azula: what is it mortal?
    captain: umm..well..i feel i've worked very hard and..umm..
    azula: spit it out!
    captain: my son is graduating and i really need the money and can i have a raise?
    azula: (takes vader breath) your death shall be a slow and painful and extremely unpleasant experience, then, after you have died and all of the pain is gone, i will convince my old friend satan to make your suffering in hell extremely... bad.... (vader breath)
    captain: o shi-!

    general fong: greetings avatar aang and his friends whose names i.. do not know, welcome to my base! i am definitely not a villain!
    katara: wow i totally believe him!
    aang: he can't be a villain!
    general fong: well now that the introductions are over, let's force aang to activate his kung fu action jesus powers so that he can go now to kill the firelord!
    aang: but it's only the beginning of season 2! i can't face ozai until mid season 3! and even then i'm bound to fail!
    fong: i don't care! i hate this show! if it wasn't for this stupid contract i could've been in my own sitcom, fong and feng!
    *cue theme music*
    it's the fong and feng show!
    fong: long feng, did you brainwash my girlfriend into going out with you?
    long feng: (russian accent) why yes, yes i did!
    *canned laughter*
    *end music*
    fong: as you can see, we already had the pilot episode! but noo! i had this stupid contract! so i'm ending the show in this episode! mwahahaha!....did i mention i'm not a villain?

    lo: you'd better get the technique right!
    li: or we'll mentally scar you!
    azula: (breath) i'm the only one who does the scarring here! so watch this! *does lightning* how was that?
    lo: well you could've do-
    li: it was perfect! (to lo) do you have a deathwish? no one messes with azula!
    lo: brilliant!
    azula: that's what i thought you said!

    aang: fong, your sob story really touched me, i will help you make fong and feng a reality, i will activate my kung fu action jesus powers!
    fong: excellent!

    katara: absolutely not aang! my entire future career depends on this show!
    sokka: but me and aang already have people wanting to make a sitcom with us! it's called 'avatar in the city'!
    katara: why did no one tell me?
    aang: they didn't want you in the show, sorry!
    katara: i hate you all! i'll never talk to you again this scene!

    iroh: zuko, vat vere you thinking? we can't take these shells? vere fugitives now!
    zuko: but i really really want the shells and i *whiny rant*
    iroh: alright alright, ve'll take the shells!
    azula: (breath) no you won't, i will kill you both!
    zuko: azula! i should've known!
    iroh: oy vey as if ve didn't have enough problems!
    azula: anyway, father wants you to return home!
    zuko: i totally believe you!
    iroh: (to himself) ya schmock!

    katara: aang, can we talk?
    aang's thoughts: oh boy this is it! she's going to tell you how she feels! now don't screw this up lover boy!
    aang: i understand, voices in my head!
    katara: fong is obviously a villain!
    aang's thoughts: false alarm, it's just plot relevant stuff!
    aang: fong isn't a villain, didn't you hear him, he specifically said that he's not a villain!
    katara: but he-
    aang: i don't want to hear any more of this! i'm going to fong now!
    katara: but i-fine! but i'm not coming!

    zuko: we're finally going home!
    iroh: you're such a schmock! how can ya be so freakin retarded?
    zuko: azula says she's going to let me tend the rabbits!
    iroh: yer so retarded yer making references to 20th century american literature! oy vey!
    zuko: well fine, don't tend the rabbits then!
    iroh: you do know how of mice and men ends right?

    aang: no! more flashbacks!
    flashback aang: kung fu action jesus powers activate! *smashes aang*
    aang: no! *wakes up*
    sokka: go to sleep!
    aang: i can't do it, i can't activate my kung fu action jesus powers!

    iroh: zuko! don't leave! it's a trap!
    *ackbar sings the trap rap*
    zuko: i don't care about you or your star wars references, i only care about my 20th century american literature references!
    iroh: i don't know why i bother! *follows*

    aang: so you see fong, i really like avatar the last airbender, so it can't end now, fong and feng will have to wait!
    fong: i see, guards, attack him!
    aang: what is the meaning of this?
    fong: i am a villain! mwahahaha!
    aang: whoah, super special awesome plot twist!
    fong: men, attack!
    guard: yes sir!

    fong: now, use your kung fu action jesus powers! use it and end this show!
    aang: never! *dodges flying disks*

    azula: (breath) welcome zuko and iroh....to your doom! mwahaha!
    ackbar: it's a trap!
    azula: silence ackbar! there's only room for one star wars reference in this episode!
    zuko: oh no! it's a trap!
    iroh: *facepalm*

    katara: aang, see? i told you fong was a villain!
    aang: less talking, more running!
    katara: oh no! i can't run!
    fong: avatar, i have your girlfriend! now what will you do?
    aang's thoughts: whatever you do, don't go glowy!
    aang: kung-fu action jesus powers, activate!
    aang's thoughts: if i had a face and a palm i would so be facepalming right now!
    fong: yes, finally!

    zuko: die azula die!
    azula: foolish child, you cannot harm me, i'm darth azula b***h!
    zuko: i'll try!
    iroh: zuko! lets' go!
    *they leave*

    fong: yes aang, it worked!
    roku: who? whaa? why do you keep doing this? can't you leave me alone?
    aang: no!
    roku: if i tell you dome plot relevant stuff, will you leave?
    aang: sure!
    roku: if you die when you're glowing, there will be no more avatars, now go!
    aang: ok!
    *glowy aang slams the ground, owning everyone*
    aang: did i save you katara?
    katara: actually, he let me go!
    aang: ok!
    sokka: take this! *slams fong* now avatar the last airbender shall continue!
    aang: yay!
    guard: wer'e sorry for attacking you, but you'll still have to pay for damages!
    sokka: quick! to appa!
    aang: (on appa) later suckers! to omashu!
    guard: darn it!
    fong: yes! i'm dead, now i can be in my sitcom with long feng!
    long feng: not quite! in about 13 episodes i'll be a main antagonist!
    fong: nooooooo!!!!!!
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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3186]Feb 2, 2008
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    segman2008 wrote:
    segman2008 wrote:

    Aang: Ok guy's I just bought 8 crates of ipicac from Aunt Wu, all on my tab. Now whoever goes the longest without throwing up gets my entire gun case and the last piece of pie in the fridge. OK...GO

    *they all slurp it down*

    Aang: Alright, lets go......Feeling anything yet?

    Sokka: no I'm fine

    Roku: Everything's alright here

    Aang: you know, that's some good pie. That's umm from the bake sale katara...*pukes*

    Sokka: oh one down, and i know someone who's not getting any...*pukes*

    Zuko: i'm starting to feel funny

    Roku: well I feel fine and...*pukes*

    Zuko: alright. that means i get the...*pukes*

    Sokka: *puking* oh. oh god. why didn't anybody tell me..*pukes*

    Aang: OH MY GOD MY INSIDES ARE ON FIRE...*pukes*

    Sokka: no. please no more...*pukes*

    Zuko: Aang. do something..*pukes*

    Roku: Aang. call 91..*pukes*

    Aang: katara. katara get in here...*pukes*

    Roku: *pants* OK. i think it's gone. I think it's...*pukes*

    Sokka: I don't wanna, I don't wann....*pukes*

    Roku: Aang. Aang grab my hair and...*pukes*

    Aang: *pukes on Roku's face while holding his hair*

    Roku: *pukes*

    * everyone groaning *

    Katara: who want's chowder?

    * all puke *

    Katara: well. I didn't think it was that bad.

    What? no comment?

    Now this is funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtBB4Sc_lv8

    somebody link this

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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3187]Feb 2, 2008
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    terminatorSSF wrote:

    :hey i'm new here so here's a blooper.


    Aang: it's not what looks like.

    Sokka: oh yes it does.

    Aang: Umm........ This is a new waterbending trick.

    Sokka: so i suppose you have to strip down naked to do do it?

    Aang: yep

    Sokka: YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS I'M gonna kill you

    Aang: Crap.

    That is wrong, but i would want to see that waterbending trick

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  • Avatar of kataang_lover


    [3188]Feb 2, 2008
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    Aang annoys the s*** out of Zuko again
    Aang: Do you know the muffin man?
    Zuko: Yes
    Aang: The muffin man?
    Zuko: Yes
    Aang: The muffin man?
    Zuko: Yes!!!
    Aang: Do you know the muffin man?
    Zuko: I said yes!!!!!!!
    Aang: Who lives on Drury Lane?
    (Zuko firebends Aang kung fu action jesus style)
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  • Avatar of kataang_lover


    [3189]Feb 2, 2008
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    terminatorSSF wrote:

    :hey i'm new here so here's a blooper.


    Aang: it's not what looks like.

    Sokka: oh yes it does.

    Aang: Umm........ This is a new waterbending trick.

    Sokka: so i suppose you have to strip down naked to do do it?

    Aang: yep

    Sokka: YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS I'M gonna kill you

    Aang: Crap.

    That's funny!
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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3190]Feb 2, 2008
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    Scene from the boondocks

    Aang: you don't understand. i have to do this

    Katara: *sigh* follow me

    *pops in DVD*

    Katara: i want you to see what you up against

    *tape starts japaneesse music plays*

    *a blind swowdsman (toph) comes out with ninjas on a rooftop*

    Toph: *pulls out a swowd*

    *ninjas jump of rooftop and run towards toph*

    *toph slices the ninjas as she goes*

    toph: *puts a swowd through the abdomen of a ninja and slces up*

    ninja: *screams in pain as he falls in half*

    Aang: Holy Sh**

    Katara: your opponent is the zatoichi. The Blind Swowdsman *as she speaks, toph dodges jabs to herand jumps on a ninja's swowd* her ears give her more information than all her senses put together. if you underestimate her, *toph slices ninja's head* she will kill you.

    *ninja's head falls off, toph stabs eye of ninja as he screams in pain*

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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3191]Feb 2, 2008
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    segman2008 wrote:

    Scene from the boondocks

    Aang: you don't understand. i have to do this

    Katara: *sigh* follow me

    *pops in DVD*

    Katara: i want you to see what you up against

    *tape starts japaneesse music plays*

    *a blind swowdsman (toph) comes out with ninjas on a rooftop*

    Toph: *pulls out a swowd*

    *ninjas jump of rooftop and run towards toph*

    *toph slices the ninjas as she goes*

    toph: *puts a swowd through the abdomen of a ninja and slces up*

    ninja: *screams in pain as he falls in half*

    Aang: Holy Sh**

    Katara: your opponent is the zatoichi. The Blind Swowdsman *as she speaks, toph dodges jabs to herand jumps on a ninja's swowd* her ears give her more information than all her senses put together. if you underestimate her, *toph slices ninja's head* she will kill you.

    *ninja's head falls off, toph stabs eye of ninja as he screams in pain*


    somebody link this

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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3194]Feb 2, 2008
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    segman2008 wrote:

    Internet dating

    Sokka: Okay, let's see here username mclovin. oh i already got a result lets see earthwoman2000

    Toph: alright username earthwoman200. lets see if my date answered me yet.

    *not knowing who each other are, they continue to talk over the internet*

    Aang: whach'ya doing sokka?

    Sokka: i am about to confirm my my date at the jasmine dragon with earthwoman200

    Aang: sounds cool. *goes into Toph's room.*

    Toph: hey aang. i got myself a date tonight Mclovin

    Aang: whats your username?

    Toph: earthwoman200

    Aang: *stiffles but then bursts out laghing*

    Toph: what?

    Aang: remember that time you told sokka that me and katara rented a hotel room and he caught us in bed together

    Toph: yeah. he was furious

    Aang: we're even


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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3195]Feb 2, 2008
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    *sokka and aang at school.*

    Aang: man that was a hard test.

    Sokka:i know. man look at all these girls. they don't dress pretty.

    Aang:get over it.

    Sokka:no i mean it. i mean look at her, but over there is a good one. she's hot. she's cool. she's.......



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  • Avatar of kataang_lover


    [3196]Feb 2, 2008
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    terminatorSSF wrote:

    *sokka and aang at school.*

    Aang: man that was a hard test.

    Sokka:i know. man look at all these girls. they don't dress pretty.

    Aang:get over it.

    Sokka:no i mean it. i mean look at her, but over there is a good one. she's hot. she's cool. she's.......



    Isn't that from Fresh Prince?
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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3197]Feb 2, 2008
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    kataang_lover wrote:
    terminatorSSF wrote:

    *sokka and aang at school.*

    Aang: man that was a hard test.

    Sokka:i know. man look at all these girls. they don't dress pretty.

    Aang:get over it.

    Sokka:no i mean it. i mean look at her, but over there is a good one. she's hot. she's cool. she's.......



    Isn't that from Fresh Prince?

    yes it is
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3198]Feb 2, 2008
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    segman2008 wrote:

    Scene from the boondocks

    Aang: you don't understand. i have to do this

    Katara: *sigh* follow me

    *pops in DVD*

    Katara: i want you to see what you up against

    *tape starts japaneesse music plays*

    *a blind swowdsman (toph) comes out with ninjas on a rooftop*

    Toph: *pulls out a swowd*

    *ninjas jump of rooftop and run towards toph*

    *toph slices the ninjas as she goes*

    toph: *puts a swowd through the abdomen of a ninja and slces up*

    ninja: *screams in pain as he falls in half*

    Aang: Holy Sh**

    Katara: your opponent is the zatoichi. The Blind Swowdsman *as she speaks, toph dodges jabs to herand jumps on a ninja's swowd* her ears give her more information than all her senses put together. if you underestimate her, *toph slices ninja's head* she will kill you.

    *ninja's head falls off, toph stabs eye of ninja as he screams in pain*

    WIN. That was excellent. By the way, check out this blog for some funny Avatar/Boondocks crossovers. He was the first to do so.
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3199]Feb 2, 2008
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    Spacerac wrote:
    segman2008 wrote:

    Scene from the boondocks

    Aang: you don't understand. i have to do this

    Katara: *sigh* follow me

    *pops in DVD*

    Katara: i want you to see what you up against

    *tape starts japaneesse music plays*

    *a blind swowdsman (toph) comes out with ninjas on a rooftop*

    Toph: *pulls out a swowd*

    *ninjas jump of rooftop and run towards toph*

    *toph slices the ninjas as she goes*

    toph: *puts a swowd through the abdomen of a ninja and slces up*

    ninja: *screams in pain as he falls in half*

    Aang: Holy Sh**

    Katara: your opponent is the zatoichi. The Blind Swowdsman *as she speaks, toph dodges jabs to herand jumps on a ninja's swowd* her ears give her more information than all her senses put together. if you underestimate her, *toph slices ninja's head* she will kill you.

    *ninja's head falls off, toph stabs eye of ninja as he screams in pain*

    WIN. That was excellent. By the way, check out this blog for some funny Avatar/Boondocks crossovers. He was the first to do so.
    i remember atu_1, i remember him like he was here yesterday, it's as if he's still here with us.. but we all know that's impossibe!
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3200]Feb 2, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    avatar abridged season 2 episode 1. after a 2 day hiatus i have returned!

    aang: oh great, a flashback episode!
    flashback aang: oh look a kitty!
    sokka: aang i don't think that-
    flashback aang: (glowy) YES. IT. IS!
    katara: ok aang, you win, it's a kitty!

    flashback aang: who? whaa? get out of my house! kung-fu action jesus powers, activate! *destroys fire temple*

    flashback aang impersonating a sailor: wow, i feel really stupid for saying 100 ships was overkill
    flashback koizilla aang: and you should!

    aang: whoah! i gotta cut back on those shrooms!
    katara: what was the dream about?
    aang: i dreamt i activated my kung fu action jesus powers, and it was scary!

    pakku: katara, take this plot solving vial of water.
    katara: but...this plot can't be resolved with water!
    pakku: i know, you'll have to wait until the very end of season 2 for it to be useful.
    katara: fine!
    pakku: aang, take these scrolls.
    aang: but i want you to teach me!
    pakku: tough!
    sokka: do i get anything?
    pakku: no, because of you the princess of the northern tribe is dead.
    sokka: oookay!

    iroh: (being massaged) ahh yeah, zats ze stuff! don't be afraid to go right into the muscles!
    zuko: (whiny emo rant)
    iroh: oy vey enough viv ze emo stuff already! sheesh yer such a noodnik!
    zuko: whinywhinewhinyscarwhinywhinywhniebansihment whinywhinewhineanniversarywhinewhinywhinedaddy'slove!

    azula: (darth vader-like voice) my brother and uncle are traitors to the fire nation, if you hesitate to kill them (deep vader breath) i will kill you.
    captain: umm..ahem..um..princess azula?
    azula: what is it mortal?
    captain: umm..well..i feel i've worked very hard and..umm..
    azula: spit it out!
    captain: my son is graduating and i really need the money and can i have a raise?
    azula: (takes vader breath) your death shall be a slow and painful and extremely unpleasant experience, then, after you have died and all of the pain is gone, i will convince my old friend satan to make your suffering in hell extremely... bad.... (vader breath)
    captain: o shi-!

    general fong: greetings avatar aang and his friends whose names i.. do not know, welcome to my base! i am definitely not a villain!
    katara: wow i totally believe him!
    aang: he can't be a villain!
    general fong: well now that the introductions are over, let's force aang to activate his kung fu action jesus powers so that he can go now to kill the firelord!
    aang: but it's only the beginning of season 2! i can't face ozai until mid season 3! and even then i'm bound to fail!
    fong: i don't care! i hate this show! if it wasn't for this stupid contract i could've been in my own sitcom, fong and feng!
    *cue theme music*
    it's the fong and feng show!
    fong: long feng, did you brainwash my girlfriend into going out with you?
    long feng: (russian accent) why yes, yes i did!
    *canned laughter*
    *end music*
    fong: as you can see, we already had the pilot episode! but noo! i had this stupid contract! so i'm ending the show in this episode! mwahahaha!....did i mention i'm not a villain?

    lo: you'd better get the technique right!
    li: or we'll mentally scar you!
    azula: (breath) i'm the only one who does the scarring here! so watch this! *does lightning* how was that?
    lo: well you could've do-
    li: it was perfect! (to lo) do you have a deathwish? no one messes with azula!
    lo: brilliant!
    azula: that's what i thought you said!

    aang: fong, your sob story really touched me, i will help you make fong and feng a reality, i will activate my kung fu action jesus powers!
    fong: excellent!

    katara: absolutely not aang! my entire future career depends on this show!
    sokka: but me and aang already have people wanting to make a sitcom with us! it's called 'avatar in the city'!
    katara: why did no one tell me?
    aang: they didn't want you in the show, sorry!
    katara: i hate you all! i'll never talk to you again this scene!

    iroh: zuko, vat vere you thinking? we can't take these shells? vere fugitives now!
    zuko: but i really really want the shells and i *whiny rant*
    iroh: alright alright, ve'll take the shells!
    azula: (breath) no you won't, i will kill you both!
    zuko: azula! i should've known!
    iroh: oy vey as if ve didn't have enough problems!
    azula: anyway, father wants you to return home!
    zuko: i totally believe you!
    iroh: (to himself) ya schmock!

    katara: aang, can we talk?
    aang's thoughts: oh boy this is it! she's going to tell you how she feels! now don't screw this up lover boy!
    aang: i understand, voices in my head!
    katara: fong is obviously a villain!
    aang's thoughts: false alarm, it's just plot relevant stuff!
    aang: fong isn't a villain, didn't you hear him, he specifically said that he's not a villain!
    katara: but he-
    aang: i don't want to hear any more of this! i'm going to fong now!
    katara: but i-fine! but i'm not coming!

    zuko: we're finally going home!
    iroh: you're such a schmock! how can ya be so freakin retarded?
    zuko: azula says she's going to let me tend the rabbits!
    iroh: yer so retarded yer making references to 20th century american literature! oy vey!
    zuko: well fine, don't tend the rabbits then!
    iroh: you do know how of mice and men ends right?

    aang: no! more flashbacks!
    flashback aang: kung fu action jesus powers activate! *smashes aang*
    aang: no! *wakes up*
    sokka: go to sleep!
    aang: i can't do it, i can't activate my kung fu action jesus powers!

    iroh: zuko! don't leave! it's a trap!
    *ackbar sings the trap rap*
    zuko: i don't care about you or your star wars references, i only care about my 20th century american literature references!
    iroh: i don't know why i bother! *follows*

    aang: so you see fong, i really like avatar the last airbender, so it can't end now, fong and feng will have to wait!
    fong: i see, guards, attack him!
    aang: what is the meaning of this?
    fong: i am a villain! mwahahaha!
    aang: whoah, super special awesome plot twist!
    fong: men, attack!
    guard: yes sir!

    fong: now, use your kung fu action jesus powers! use it and end this show!
    aang: never! *dodges flying disks*

    azula: (breath) welcome zuko and iroh....to your doom! mwahaha!
    ackbar: it's a trap!
    azula: silence ackbar! there's only room for one star wars reference in this episode!
    zuko: oh no! it's a trap!
    iroh: *facepalm*

    katara: aang, see? i told you fong was a villain!
    aang: less talking, more running!
    katara: oh no! i can't run!
    fong: avatar, i have your girlfriend! now what will you do?
    aang's thoughts: whatever you do, don't go glowy!
    aang: kung-fu action jesus powers, activate!
    aang's thoughts: if i had a face and a palm i would so be facepalming right now!
    fong: yes, finally!

    zuko: die azula die!
    azula: foolish child, you cannot harm me, i'm darth azula b***h!
    zuko: i'll try!
    iroh: zuko! *kicks azula off ship* let's go!
    zuko: but uncle he was mine whine whine whine
    *they leave*

    fong: yes aang, it worked!
    roku: who? whaa? why do you keep doing this? can't you leave me alone?
    aang: no!
    roku: if i tell you dome plot relevant stuff, will you leave?
    aang: sure!
    roku: if you die when you're glowing, there will be no more avatars, now go!
    aang: ok!
    *glowy aang slams the ground, owning everyone*
    aang: did i save you katara?
    katara: actually, he let me go!
    aang: ok!
    sokka: take this! *slams fong* now avatar the last airbender shall continue!
    aang: yay!
    guard: wer'esorry for attacking you, but you'll still have to pay for damages!
    sokka: quick! to appa!
    aang: (on appa) later suckers! to omashu!
    guard: darn it!
    fong: yes! i'm dead, now i can be in my sitcom with long feng!
    long feng: not quite! in about 13 episodes i'll be a main antagonist!
    fong: nooooooo!!!!!!
    funny, and fixed. also, grammar thought police.

    I fixed the Zuko and Azula fight.
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