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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [3281]Feb 9, 2008
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    Spacerac wrote:
    that was awesome. Someone needs to bring back the 1stavatar's posts of Aang's Top ten attempts to kiss Katara though. I want to see those again but I don't feel like looking for them.

    I know, there's so many posts and bloopers. I don't even remember what was the last blooper I made.
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3282]Feb 9, 2008
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    the1stavatar wrote:
    the1stavatar wrote:
    Atu_1 wrote:
    the1stavatar wrote:
    the1stavatar wrote:
    the1stavatar wrote:
    "Aang's Top 10, (Not seen on TV) attempts to kiss katara"

    10: Ending of Seige of the North

    *after they look at the moon and sokka leaves*
    Aang: Wow, the moon sure is pretty.
    *prepares to say more romantic comments*
    Katara: Aww, you have a crush on Yue.
    Aang: What?!?! No I don't.
    Sokka: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! *tackles aang*
    *katara walks away giggling, aang doesn't see her leave*
    Sokka: *getting off aang* I guess that's true. My bad.
    *sokka leaves*
    Aang: So katara... *looks around* -_-

    9: In the Libary!
    Aang: Hey katara, there's a story in here that says how a air nation monk and a water tribe girl start out as friends.
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: And then they later fall in love and get married.
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: Won't that be funny if that happened to us?
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: Really? You'd like that.
    Katara: Oh sorry aang, I was talking to the proffesor. What were you talking about?
    Aang: -_-

    8. In the fire nation town during "The Deserter"
    *after fireworks explosion*
    Aang: Wow, don't those fireworks look cool?
    Katara: They look amazing.
    *aang closes his eyes, katara turns her back for a sec to get some water, aang leans in to kiss katara, but ends up kissing air, then falls back*
    Katara: There we go, reloaded. Aang? Why are you on your back?
    Aang: -_-

    7. Headband: Dancing Scene (Deleted Scene)
    *katara and aang are dancing*
    *heads start coming close to each other*
    *aang leans in to kiss her*
    *Katara is unaware of this, turns her body*
    *aang trips and hits the ground*
    Audience: Ouch....
    Aang: -_-

    More Moments coming soon...

    It's time for momment #6!

    6: Kiss on the great wall

    Sokka: Well, our best bet is to go that way on the train.
    Aang: Wow, It sure looks nice up here, doesn't it katara?
    Katara: Yeah it does.
    *katara turns around, aang quickly does a breath check, then slowly leans over to kiss katara as soon as she turns around*
    Sokka: We should probally go in this *turns arm to point in one directon, hitting aang and making him fall off the wall*...direction.
    Aang: AHHHHHHHHHHHH! *hits the ground hard*
    Sokka: That had to hurt.
    Toph: Big Time.
    *katara looks over*
    Katara: You O.K aang?
    Aang: -_-

    Moment #5 coming up!
    Moment #5 of Aang's Top Ten of Screen Kiss attempts:

    #5: It's not your fault, your going crazy! (Nightmares and Daydreams)

    *aang while sleep walking*

    Aang: I can't take it! I keep thinking about you all the time! I...I....I love you! *kisses a dream katara*

    Girl outside dream: EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!

    *aang wakes up*

    Aang: Ugh...who screamed.

    *slap in the face*


    Aang: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! No, I didn't mean to...

    Katara: Calm down toph, it's not his fault.

    Sokka: Yeah, he's been going crazy lately.

    Toph: Yeah, I know twinkletoes doesn't have feeling for me. *whispears to aang* If you messed up my chances with sokka, your gonna be in for a rude awakening, sick or not sick.

    *toph walks off*

    Katara: Besides, we all know your not in love with anyone in the group, right.

    Aang: Yeah...heh heh....right.

    *sokka and katara walk away*

    Aang: *smacks himself* Idiot! -_-

    Moment #4 coming up.


    #4: Get ya fortune cookies! This one smells like trouble!

    Aang: *finds the panda lily* Yes, I got one! Heh heh, nothing can stop me now. Now I need to find a nice romantic spot to give the flower to katara, and tell her my feelings! Nothing can stop me now!

    *high above in the cosmic energy place*

    Karma Guy 1: Who do we give karma to today?
    Karma Guy 2: Let's spin the wheel of karma!
    *wheel of karma is made up of 54% spongebob, 25% Sokka, 10% Zuko, 10% Cabbage Man, 1% Aang.*
    *they spin the wheel*
    Karma Dudes: Spinny! Spinny! Spinny! Spinnny!

    *meanwhile on appa*
    Aang: Hey katara, I want to give you something, and also tell you something really important.
    Katara: What is it aang?
    Aang: *thinking* Nothing can stop me now*

    *wheel turns 100% Aang*
    *lands on aang*
    Karma Guy 1: It's Aang! The Wheel has spoken!
    Karma Guy 2: What do we do to him.

    *lightning hits the flower and sets it on fire as aang is about to give it to katara*
    Katara: Omg, I'm sorry aang. What was it that you wanted to give me?
    Aang: *annoyed* oh nothing...
    Katara: What was it you wanted to tell me?
    Aang: *still annoyed* Oh...nothing...
    Katara: O.k.
    *after they land and katara is far away*
    Karma Dudes: Chuckras! Chuckras! Everybody loves chuckras! Chuckras! Chuckras! Onion and Bananna Juice Tastes Good! YUM!

    Moment #3 Coming up!

    #3: Hey Katara I....SOKKA! GET OUT OF HERE NOW! (Avatar Day)

    *right before kyoshi testifies, in a private area so aang can say his "last good byes*

    Mayor: O.k, let's make this quick. Citizens are getting angry.
    Citizen 1: I want the tourture machine!
    Citizen 2: Eaten by Bears!
    Citizen 3: Make Zutara happen!
    *everyone looks at the citizen who just said that*
    Citizen 3: Well...it would torture him forever.
    *everyone mumbles in agreement*
    Sokka: Any idea what they are talking about?
    Katara: Nope.
    Aang: Phew.
    Katara: What was that aang?
    Aang: Uhhh...where's the outfit katara?
    Katara: Oh yeah, sokka go get it.
    Sokka: Fine.
    *sokka leaves*
    Aang: Katara, I have something to say to you, incase I die.
    Katara: You won't. I'm positive. Don't worry. *3 second pause* But tell me anyway!
    Aang: Katara...I...
    Sokka: Hey, you think being eaten by sharks is painful? That may be the best way to go.
    Aang: Sokka...go get the costume.
    Sokka: Fine.
    *sokka leaves again*
    Aang: Where was I? Oh yeah...Katara...I...
    Sokka: Did it hurt when you got that tatoo on your head, and your back, where you spine is?
    Aang: Sokka....please...go...
    Sokka: Oh yeah, sorry.
    Aang: Where was I?
    Citizen 3: ZUTARA!
    Aang: SHUT UP! *airbends him out of the area*
    Aang: Katara...*trying to keep cool* I...
    Sokka: *poking aang* Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother! Sorry, had to do this before you died. I love when those little puppets do it, they are so cute and...
    Citizen 3: ZUTARA!
    Aang: SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!!!!
    *sokka leaves*
    Aang: *really trying to keep it together* Katara...I...
    Mayor: Sorry, times up. Time for you to go back to the trial. You, water tribe girl, leave.
    *katara leaves*
    Aang: Can't you give me five...
    Mayor: No.
    Sokka: I got the costume. It was right over there, 10 steps away from where your standing. We could have had an awsome, amazing, heart-warming moment that millions of people who could be watching us from somewhere would love, and something big and beautiful could have...
    Aang: ARRGH! *tackles and beats up sokka*
    Mayor: We'll add that to your charges.
    Citizen 4: KATAANG!

    Moment #2 Coming up! And what will be teh #1 moment? Find out soon enough...
    Never mind, I'm not as lazy as I thought. ^_^
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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [3283]Feb 9, 2008
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    Pointing out your own laziness and you're suddenly not.
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3284]Feb 10, 2008
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    bitter work.

    aang: hey toph, toph?
    toph: (grouchy) what? can't you see i'm trying to sleep?
    aang: hey toph can we learn earthbending today because i really want to know ho to bend earth wouldn't it be fun to move earth using only martial arts moves it is cool in your opinion when can i learn earthbending it would be so fun and i really need to learn it to complete my quest to save the world and whatnot when can i learn it can i learn it now please can you-
    toph: SHUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    aang:..............so can i learn earthbending?
    toph: ugh!

    toph: okay, today we learn how to move a rock.
    aang: moving a rock sounds fun how do you move a rock do you need to know a super special secret bending technique and can you teach that-
    toph; MOVE A ROCK! like this. *moves rock*
    aang: psh that's easy i can so totally do that no roblem it's so easy i could-
    aang: *tries to move a rock* *fails*

    zuko: uncle!
    iroh: vat vat? can't ya see i'm having a flashback dream sequence over here? oy vey!
    zuko; but i really want to learn advanced firebending so i can beat azula and i really really want it and i *whiny rant*
    iroh: oy vey, i'll resume yer training already!
    zuko: yaaay!

    aang: so did i do it right huh toph did i do it correctly or is there something i'm doing wrong huh toph? toph? toph toph toph toph toph
    toph: YES YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG! you're too hyper, like the airbender that you are, try being tough, like me!
    aang: that sounds great i'll try that now gee isn't this fun toph whaddya say toph? toph? toph toph toph toph-
    katara: toph stop being so mean to aang.
    toph: can you really blame me?
    katara: why are you being so mean?
    toph: hey aang!
    aang: yeah toph what is is toph are you going to teach me some super cool earthbending toph y'know toph is one of those words that if you say it enough times it stops becoming a word and it's just meaningless noise y'know what i mean toph? toph? toph toph toph toph
    katara: i see what you mean, carry on!
    toph: i've been thinking aang, what you need is a training montague.
    aang: a training montague that sounds fun will i get to have rocky music i love rocky music rocky music is so fun and it's perfect for a training sequence let's have rocky music whaddya say toph? toph? toph toph toph toph-
    toph: OK FINE! we'll have rocky music!

    *training montague....................with rocky music *
    dadada getting strong now...dadada.........

    sokka: now it's time for me to be a main character! die little fluffy animal die! *sokka swings down from the tree* *gets trapped in the hole*
    mysterious demonic voice: (o fortuna plays in background whenever he speaks) so we meet again mortal!
    sokka: oh no! it's luthor, devourer of souls!
    luthor: that's right, it is i, luthor, devourer of souls, and now that i have devoured my borcolli, nothing shall stand between me and your immortal soul! mwahahahahaha! endscene!

    iroh: alright zuko, here's ya lightning already! *creates lightning*
    zuko: awesomesauce! now i want to try it!
    iroh: vat are ya crazy? you need spiritual balance to do this technique, you're about as balanced as a pissed tightrope walker! ya need to be less emo.
    zuko: but..emoness is what makes me have fangirls.
    iroh: ya need to make a choice, fangirls, or lightning.
    zuko: i'll bet the avatar will never need to choose between love and power!

    aang: wow toph, that was an awesome training montague, wasnt that awesome? huh toph? huh? toph? toph toph
    toph: that's it, it's squishing time! *blindfolds aang* *rolls boulder*
    aang: *jumps out of way* wow toph, why did you roll a boulder at me that wasn't very nice was it some kind of weird training method because it wasn't very nice was it toph? toph? toph? toph toph toph toph.....
    toph: grrrr...
    katara: hey aang, why don't you stop annoy-i mean...practice waterbending with me!
    aang: no! i want to annoy toph!
    katara: i'll wear my bathing suit!
    aang: what are we waiting for? to waterbending practice!

    zuko: i don't want to choose between emoness and lightning! i don't wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna!
    iroh: alright! ve'll try ze lightning redirection! who knows? maybe ye'll use it in 21 episodes time!

    sokka: please luthor, don't hurt me! i bet for mercy! *tries to escape*
    luthor: (o fortuna) struggle all you want, you will never escape the wrath of luthor, devourer of souls! now let's try the orb of ultimate unlpleasantness again! fear it! fear!
    sokka: i fear luthor! i fear! no please! please not the orb! no please-wait, i have a boomerang!
    luthor: (o fortuna) curses, foiled again.

    katara: now it's time for waterbending!
    aang: fanservice? where?
    katara: no, waterbending!
    aang: i can haz fanservice?
    katara: no, you can haz waterbending.
    aang:....so i can have the fanservice then.
    katara: WATERBENDING!

    iroh: oy vey, let's look at the four elements!
    zuko: boring!
    iroh: firebenders draw power from rage!
    zuko: i thought it was drag-
    iroh: shh, don't spoil ep 313! anyvay, vaterbending is from the moon, earthbending from badgermoles who live in-
    chong and hippies: secret tunnels!
    iroh: thanks chong, and airbenders drew it from sky bison.
    zuko: i wanna redirect lightning and i really *whiny rant*
    iroh: fine, don't learn a life lesson already! here's how ya redirect it! *does technique*
    zuko: now let me try!
    iroh: vat are ya crazy? yer still too emo! ya still need to choose between fangirls and power!
    zuko: life is so unfair! to the emo corner! away!

    toph: hey aang, i've been thinking, you've been annoying the s**t out of me today, so it's time i got revenge! *hits staff on ground*
    aang: alright, fine! i'll stop annoying you!
    toph: that's what i thought you said!
    katara: go find sokka!
    aang: but i'm-
    katara: I SAID FIND HIM!
    aang: yes ma'am!

    luthor: (o fortuna) now, i shall destroy the source of all your strength, your hairband!
    sokka: no! without my hairdo i'm nothing! nothing! *luthor tugs at hairband and destroys sokka's do*
    sokka: NOOOOOO!!!!
    aang: don't worry, i'll save you! *airbends* *fails*
    luthor: foolish boy, no mere airbending can free you from the wrath of luthor! mwahahahaha!
    aang: oh no! it's luthor, devourer of souls! run for the hills!
    luthor: yes, fear me!
    luthor's mum: hi kids! my name's rosemary! how are you?
    aang: you're...rosemary, and this is your child?
    rosemary: that's right!
    luthor: yes, i am rosemary's child, i am the antichrist!
    aang: yeah right, and i'm kung fu action jesus!
    sokka: you are.
    aang: oh yeah!
    luthor: we will meet again, fear me! *runs off*
    rosemary: such a nice antichrist! *runs off too*
    toph: well, that was entertaining, here ya go. earthbends sokka out*
    sokka: thanks toph, at least somebody helped!
    aang: nag nag nag, you're worse than your sister!
    toph: just shut up and earthbend!
    aang: alright! *earthbends* that was greta wasn't it toph it was so fun waddyasay toph same thing tomorrow huh toph? toph? toph toph toph toph toph toph toph toph.............

    zuko: (crying in rain) i've decided! i've decided to go down the emo path! you happy now fangirls? happy? now i will never know true power for 21 episodes! 21! *sobs*
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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3285]Feb 10, 2008
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    Azula looks for a job

    Job Counsuler: lets see here, your resume looks impressive. 15 years as a fire princess, mastery in firebending, overtaking the Earth Kingdom Capital. let's see, do you like animals?

    Azula: sure

    *at southern air temple*

    Aang: so did you set up the fence for appa?

    Azula: yes. i'm sure he's for a shocking surprise. so appa, do you want this watermelon? go get it. *throws it towards frence*

    *appa gets caught in electric fence*

    Headline: bison in hospital after being shocked by electric fence

    Job counsuler: okay so your not an animal lover. maybe more of a people person.

    *in therapists room*

    Zuko: i mean some time i just want to kill my dad, you know?

    Azula: good, use you anger and show no mercy and you tranformation to the dark side will be complete

    Headline: Angry teen kills Fire Lord and Family

    Job Counsuler: okay so that didn't go so well. telemarketing, no one could possibly get hurt

    *in office*

    Sokka: *over phone* so what are the benefits of joining Cingular?

    Azula: power. UNLIMITED *shocks sokka over phone* POWER

    sokka: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *dies*

    Azula: Minutes minutes. i mean unlimited minutes *hears screaming* oh sh**

    *in flight control room*

    Katara: *over radio* air traffic control come in. this is flight 137. we're running out of fuel. we need somewhere to land NOW!

    Azula: i'm pretty sure all the runways will be quite occupied when your plane arrives.

    Katara: for gods sake please we're going down!

    Azula: and now young pilot *grabs switch* you will die *cuts power to the plane*

    Katara: ohhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Azula: *evil laugh* flight 137? come in.

    Headline: at least 400 killed in worst plane crash in water tribe history

    Job Counsuler: we don't even give out air traffic controler positions. how did you get that job?!

    Azula: it's not like i can find another job anywhere else.

    Job counsuler: get the hell out


    Edited on 02/10/2008 3:37pm
    Edited 4 total times.
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  • Avatar of the1stavatar


    [3286]Feb 10, 2008
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    "Bothering Zuko" (Based of The Potter Puppet Pals)

    Sokka: I'm sokka. I'm the warrior.
    Toph: And I'm toph, the earthbender. Sokka: Let's go bother zuko! Cause what else do we have to do?
    Toph: Ok!

    Zuko: I am zuko, the emo firebender. God, why are we doing these stupid introductions anyway?
    Zutarian: ZUTARA!
    Zuko: SHUT UP!!!!
    *toph and sokka come in and bother zuko*
    Zuko: ENOUGH! *firebends them*
    Both: ACK! *they die*
    Zuko: Uh oh.
    Aang: Hey, what is going on?
    Zuko: Ummm... I can explain...
    Aang: Toph and Sokka are sleeping.
    *zuko slips away quietly*
    Aang: Are they sleeping, or are they sleeping together? Hmmm.. Zuko? Zuko, where did you go? And why am I here.... Hmmm....
    Iroh: NAKED TIME! *takes off clothing and dances*
    *aang is disturbed and leaves*
    *katara walks in, sees iroh, barfs, then leaves*
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  • Avatar of Toph_kicks_butt


    [3287]Feb 10, 2008
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    This is in the WAT and Zuko has joined the gAang.
    Sokka: Are those your swords?
    Zuko: Yah, what about it?
    Sokka: Can I touch them?
    Zuko: T-touch them?
    Sokka: Yah! Touch them!
    Zuko: sure, I guess. *hands them over*
    Sokka: Wow! *faints just as katara walks in*
    Katara: YOU KILLED HIM!
    Zuko: NO! NO! I SWEAR!
    Katara: Die! *Does some awesome waterbending and makes Zuko fall off the cliff*
    Zuko: AAAAHHHHHHH! *Aang walks over*
    Aang: What's going on?
    Katara: Zuko killed Sokka! I told you we shouldn't have trusted him.
    Sokka: *Wakes up* What's going on?
    Katara and Aang: You're alive!
    Aang: So that means...
    Sokka and Aang: Zuko!
    *Toph was watching from afar* Go on twinkletoes, go save him.
    Aang: I am on the way! *Aang dives off with his guilder*
    Katara: Toph, you saw what ever thing happened, right?"
    Toph: Yep.
    Sokka: Then why didn't you stop Katara?
    Toph: I told you I was going to get back at him for burning my feet, didn't I?
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  • Avatar of Falcondude123


    [3288]Feb 10, 2008
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    Nick Exec: I was just thinking...

    Nick Exec2: What?

    NE: Well, Avatar is tanking in ratings...

    NE2: ...so?

    NE: So I think we should just kinda push it under the rug, if you know what I mean...

    NE2: You mean just stop playing episodes without any explanation?

    NE: Yes.

    NE2: Sounds good to me!

    NE3: But, guys! Avatar has always been a success! And we might as well finish out the last few episodes!

    NE: Pff, like YOU know anything...

    NE2: Yeah, what do YOU know?...

    NE3: I know that it was UR GUYS's idea to not advertise the new season! I also know it was UR GUYS's idea to postpone the new season for soo long in the first place, letting much of the original audience grow up and forget about the series!
    Also it was UR GUYS's idea for Aang to finally kiss Katara, giving everybody some kind of feeling of closure to the relationship instead of wanting more!

    NE: ...oh, yeah!? Well, it was, uhh, your idea to, uhh...

    NE2: To start this successful series in the beginning! If you hadn't started it, we never would have had to end it!

    NE: YEAH!! What HE said!!

    NE3: o.0???


    Aang: HAHA! It's funny cuz it's true!! xD

    Gaang: 0_0
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3289]Feb 10, 2008
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    yeah that's a good one.
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  • Avatar of Toph_kicks_butt


    [3290]Feb 10, 2008
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    Aang: HAHA! It's funny cuz it's true!!
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  • Avatar of crazy17


    [3291]Feb 10, 2008
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    This is a parody of the Disney Chaannel Original Movie the Even Stevens Movie.

    (Zuko is hunting down a mooselion)
    Zuko: Cuddly little mooselion...all I want is a little mooseliony meat. Just a leg or thigh, and you can keep all your arms. I just want a thigh-
    Azula: *slams a spear down in front of Zuko*
    Zuko: Hey, Azula.
    Azula: I had a perfect world domination plan. But you just COULDN'T STAND to see me happy!
    Zuko: What are you talking about?
    Azula: *through gritted teeth* You ruined my life.
    Zuko: When?
    Azula: The day of black sun. *seeths*
    Zuko: o.o Um...Azula, your shoe's on fire.
    Azula: Huh? *looks at shoe, Zuko runs off screaming, and Azula stands up* You can run, but you can't hide. *does a war cry and chases Zuko down* I'M GONNA HURT YOU, ZUKO! *continues the war cry thing*
    (The Gaang minus Aang and plus Mai, Ty Lee, Iroh, and Ursa hear the commotion and run to Azula and Zuko, who is now standing at the edge of a cliff. Azula is pointing her spear at Zuko*
    Azula: I can't tell you how long I've waited for this day.
    Zuko: Now, Azula, you know I'm afraid of spears...and heights.
    Iroh: Azula! What are you doing?!
    Azula: I'm about to solve he Zuko problem.
    Ursa: Azula, don't do this, he's your brother!
    Azula: You know what? I know what you're doing. You're trying to protect Zuko. *glares at Zuko* You're always trying to protect Zuko! Well, you know what? I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! AAH! Zuko: NO, AZULA, NO!
    Aazula: *spears Zuko off the cliff*
    Zuko: *screams*
    All eccept Azula: AAH! NO!
    The Duke: *covers his eyes*
    Sokka and Haru: AAH!
    Mai and Ty Lee: Oh! *cover their mouths with their hands*
    Azula: *looks at the group menencantly(sp?)*
    Appa: *growls and flies up behind Azula*
    Aang: Princess Azula, this is Avatar Aang. I just dropped in to say...GOTCHA!
    Azula: But...Zuko!
    Aang: *turns Appa around to reveal Zuko in Appa's saddle*
    Zuko: Hey, Azula! *waves* Hey!
    All except Azula: *start laughing*
    Azula: O_O But...how did...
    Iroh: I overheard you planning to kill Zuko next time you saw him and warned everybody.
    Zuko: Yeah. That was very convincing Uncle!
    Iroh: Much practice, my nephew!
    Azula: ... ... :angry:

    Feel free to continue!
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3292]Feb 10, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    bitter work.

    aang: hey toph, toph?
    toph: (grouchy) what? can't you see i'm trying to sleep?
    aang: hey toph can we learn earthbending today because i really want to know ho to bend earth wouldn't it be fun to move earth using only martial arts moves it is cool in your opinion when can i learn earthbending it would be so fun and i really need to learn it to complete my quest to save the world and whatnot when can i learn it can i learn it now please can you-
    toph: SHUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    aang:..............so can i learn earthbending?
    toph: ugh!

    toph: okay, today we learn how to move a rock.
    aang: moving a rock sounds fun how do you move a rock do you need to know a super special secret bending technique and can you teach that-
    toph; MOVE A ROCK! like this. *moves rock*
    aang: psh that's easy i can so totally do that no roblem it's so easy i could-
    aang: *tries to move a rock* *fails*

    zuko: uncle!
    iroh: vat vat? can't ya see i'm having a flashback dream sequence over here? oy vey!
    zuko; but i really want to learn advanced firebending so i can beat azula and i really really want it and i *whiny rant*
    iroh: oy vey, i'll resume yer training already!
    zuko: yaaay!

    aang: so did i do it right huh toph did i do it correctly or is there something i'm doing wrong huh toph? toph? toph toph toph toph toph
    toph: YES YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG! you're too hyper, like the airbender that you are, try being tough, like me!
    aang: that sounds great i'll try that now gee isn't this fun toph whaddya say toph? toph? toph toph toph toph-
    katara: toph stop being so mean to aang.
    toph: can you really blame me?
    katara: why are you being so mean?
    toph: hey aang!
    aang: yeah toph what is is toph are you going to teach me some super cool earthbending toph y'know toph is one of those words that if you say it enough times it stops becoming a word and it's just meaningless noise y'know what i mean toph? toph? toph toph toph toph
    katara: i see what you mean, carry on!
    toph: i've been thinking aang, what you need is a training montague.
    aang: a training montague that sounds fun will i get to have rocky music i love rocky music rocky music is so fun and it's perfect for a training sequence let's have rocky music whaddya say toph? toph? toph toph toph toph-
    toph: OK FINE! we'll have rocky music!

    *training montague....................with rocky music *
    dadada getting strong now...dadada.........

    sokka: now it's time for me to be a main character! die little fluffy animal die! *sokka swings down from the tree* *gets trapped in the hole*
    mysterious demonic voice: (o fortuna plays in background whenever he speaks) so we meet again mortal!
    sokka: oh no! it's luthor, devourer of souls!
    luthor: that's right, it is i, luthor, devourer of souls, and now that i have devoured my borcolli, nothing shall stand between me and your immortal soul! mwahahahahaha! endscene!

    iroh: alright zuko, here's ya lightning already! *creates lightning*
    zuko: awesomesauce! now i want to try it!
    iroh: vat are ya crazy? you need spiritual balance to do this technique, you're about as balanced as a pissed tightrope walker! ya need to be less emo.
    zuko: but..emoness is what makes me have fangirls.
    iroh: ya need to make a choice, fangirls, or lightning.
    zuko: i'll bet the avatar will never need to choose between love and power!

    aang: wow toph, that was an awesome training montague, wasnt that awesome? huh toph? huh? toph? toph toph
    toph: that's it, it's squishing time! *blindfolds aang* *rolls boulder*
    aang: *jumps out of way* wow toph, why did you roll a boulder at me that wasn't very nice was it some kind of weird training method because it wasn't very nice was it toph? toph? toph? toph toph toph toph.....
    toph: grrrr...
    katara: hey aang, why don't you stop annoy-i mean...practice waterbending with me!
    aang: no! i want to annoy toph!
    katara: i'll wear my bathing suit!
    aang: what are we waiting for? to waterbending practice!

    zuko: i don't want to choose between emoness and lightning! i don't wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna!
    iroh: alright! ve'll try ze lightning redirection! who knows? maybe ye'll use it in 21 episodes time!

    sokka: please luthor, don't hurt me! i bet for mercy! *tries to escape*
    luthor: (o fortuna) struggle all you want, you will never escape the wrath of luthor, devourer of souls! now let's try the orb of ultimate unlpleasantness again! fear it! fear!
    sokka: i fear luthor! i fear! no please! please not the orb! no please-wait, i have a boomerang!
    luthor: (o fortuna) curses, foiled again.

    katara: now it's time for waterbending!
    aang: fanservice? where?
    katara: no, waterbending!
    aang: i can haz fanservice?
    katara: no, you can haz waterbending.
    aang:....so i can have the fanservice then.
    katara: WATERBENDING!

    iroh: oy vey, let's look at the four elements!
    zuko: boring!
    iroh: firebenders draw power from rage!
    zuko: i thought it was drag-
    iroh: shh, don't spoil ep 313! anyvay, vaterbending is from the moon, earthbending from badgermoles who live in-
    chong and hippies: secret tunnels!
    iroh: thanks chong, and airbenders drew it from sky bison.
    zuko: i wanna redirect lightning and i really *whiny rant*
    iroh: fine, don't learn a life lesson already! here's how ya redirect it! *does technique*
    zuko: now let me try!
    iroh: vat are ya crazy? yer still too emo! ya still need to choose between fangirls and power!
    zuko: life is so unfair! to the emo corner! away!

    toph: hey aang, i've been thinking, you've been annoying the s**t out of me today, so it's time i got revenge! *hits staff on ground*
    aang: alright, fine! i'll stop annoying you!
    toph: that's what i thought you said!
    katara: go find sokka!
    aang: but i'm-
    katara: I SAID FIND HIM!
    aang: yes ma'am!

    luthor: (o fortuna) now, i shall destroy the source of all your strength, your hairband!
    sokka: no! without my hairdo i'm nothing! nothing! *luthor tugs at hairband and destroys sokka's do*
    sokka: NOOOOOO!!!!
    aang: don't worry, i'll save you! *airbends* *fails*
    luthor: foolish boy, no mere airbending can free you from the wrath of luthor! mwahahahaha!
    aang: oh no! it's luthor, devourer of souls! run for the hills!
    luthor: yes, fear me!
    luthor's mum: hi kids! my name's rosemary! how are you?
    aang: you're...rosemary, and this is your child?
    rosemary: that's right!
    luthor: yes, i am rosemary's child, i am the antichrist!
    aang: yeah right, and i'm kung fu action jesus!
    sokka: you are.
    aang: oh yeah!
    luthor: we will meet again, fear me! *runs off*
    rosemary: such a nice antichrist! *runs off too*
    toph: well, that was entertaining, here ya go. earthbends sokka out*
    sokka: thanks toph, at least somebody helped!
    aang: nag nag nag, you're worse than your sister!
    toph: just shut up and earthbend!
    aang: alright! *earthbends* that was greta wasn't it toph it was so fun waddyasay toph same thing tomorrow huh toph? toph? toph toph toph toph toph toph toph toph.............

    zuko: (crying in rain) i've decided! i've decided to go down the emo path! you happy now fangirls? happy? now i will never know true power for 21 episodes! 21! *sobs*
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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3293]Feb 11, 2008
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    segman2008 wrote:

    Azula looks for a job

    Job Counsuler: lets see here, your resume looks impressive. 15 years as a fire princess, mastery in firebending, overtaking the Earth Kingdom Capital. let's see, do you like animals?

    Azula: sure

    *at southern air temple*

    Aang: so did you set up the fence for appa?

    Azula: yes. i'm sure he's for a shocking surprise. so appa, do you want this watermelon? go get it. *throws it towards frence*

    *appa gets caught in electric fence*

    Headline: bison in hospital after being shocked by electric fence

    Job counsuler: okay so your not an animal lover. maybe more of a people person.

    *in therapists room*

    Zuko: i mean some time i just want to kill my dad, you know?

    Azula: good, use you anger and show no mercy and you tranformation to the dark side will be complete

    Headline: Angry teen kills Fire Lord and Family

    Job Counsuler: okay so that didn't go so well. telemarketing, no one could possibly get hurt

    *in office*

    Sokka: *over phone* so what are the benefits of joining Cingular?

    Azula: power. UNLIMITED *shocks sokka over phone* POWER

    sokka: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *dies*

    Azula: Minutes minutes. i mean unlimited minutes *hears screaming* oh sh**

    *in flight control room*

    Katara: *over radio* air traffic control come in. this is flight 137. we're running out of fuel. we need somewhere to land NOW!

    Azula: i'm pretty sure all the runways will be quite occupied when your plane arrives.

    Katara: for gods sake please we're going down!

    Azula: and now young pilot *grabs switch* you will die *cuts power to the plane*

    Katara: ohhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Azula: *evil laugh* flight 137? come in.

    Headline: at least 400 killed in worst plane crash in water tribe history

    Job Counsuler: we don't even give out air traffic controler positions. how did you get that job?!

    Azula: it's not like i can find another job anywhere else.

    Job counsuler: get the hell out


    What. no comment?

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  • Avatar of Jancro-Liva


    [3294]Feb 11, 2008
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    Katara talking to someone about the DOBS Kiss: Toph

    Katara: Toph? Can I talk to you?

    Toph: Yeahm what?

    Katara: Um... remember the invasion?

    Toph: You mean the event we've been focusing on since the middle of spring?

    Katara: Uh... Right... Well, when we stopped the submarines to restore out air supply, Aang... Kissed me.

    Toph: WOOHOO GO TWINLKETOES!!! Continue...


    Like it?

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  • Avatar of the1stavatar


    [3295]Feb 11, 2008
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    Ok, by popular demand, I present the ever popular "Deleted Kataang Momements"

    "Oh yeah, before we die..."

    *on the island*

    Aang: Hey katara, I need to tell you something before we go to battle, while we have the time.
    Katara: What is it aang?
    Aang: Katara, I...
    Sokka: Hey Katara, quick question, where did you put my sword?
    Katara: It's right there sokka.
    Sokka: Ok, thanks.
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... I....
    Sokka: Katara, I still can't find it.
    Katara: Ugh, I'll help.
    *katara goes to help sokka, aang facepalms, making a mental note to kill sokka later*
    *katara returns*
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... I....
    Sokka: Hey aang. I need to ask you a personal question. Why go bald? Is the bald look in? Is it bad to have hair?
    Haru: WHAT? HAIR IS BAD?!?!?! *runs to go shave his mustash, people hear him scream as he does it*
    Aang: Sokka, don't you have a sword to find?
    Sokka: No, I found that. Oh yeah, katara, do you know where my helmet is?
    Katara: Over there sokka.
    Sokka: No, that's toph's helmet.
    Katara: No, that's yours. That's why it's shaped like a wolf.
    Sokka: OHHHHH. Ok. Sorry, sorry. Continue.
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... *pauses and looks around for sokka* I....
    Sokka: *randomly appears out of no where* Did you know that when the sun is at full eclipse, it looks black? I'm gonna try to look at it when it is. It will probally look awsome.
    Aang: Sokka.... Please.... I beg you... Please go...
    Aang: GO AWAY!
    Zutarian: Ok.....
    Sokka: Boy, don't you hate those people who randomly keep on coming every time you give them hints to leave. I hate those people, don't you? Good thing none of us are like that, am I right?
    *aang is turning red, katara sees aang upset and gets the hint*
    Katara: Sokka, can you give aang and me a minute?
    Sokka: Sure! Why didn't you just say so?
    *sokka leaves*
    Katara: Ok, you can go.
    Aang: Katara.... I....
    *aang's shoulder is tapped*
    Aang: I AM SO SICK OF YOU INTERUPTING OUR CONVERSATION! GO AWAY YOU SON OF A..... oh...heh heh, hey chief hakota.... heh heh...
    Hakota: Hello.... *cough* Aang.
    Aang: *getting down on his knees and kissing hakota's feet*: I'm SO SORRY! I NEVER MEANT TO INSULT YOU! IT WAS MEANT FOR SOMEONE ELSE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!
    Hakota: Ok, Ok, calm down. It's fine. I just came to say it's time to load the ships.
    Aang; Ok, we will be right there.
    *hakota leaves*
    Aang: K, I'm getting this out now before we die, I love you!
    *aang suddenly realises katara left awhile ago, and he accidently said it to sokka*
    Sokka: Aww...I love you too big guy.
    *hugs aang*
    Aang: Sokka....where...is...katara?
    Sokka: Oh, she said she had to go get ready for battle, she said she's sorry she didn't get to hear what you said, and that she will hear it later after the battle.
    Aang: Awwwwwwww....
    Sokka: Oh well, it's not like you were gonna say your in love with her, right?
    Aang: *facepalms*
    Sokka: Oh yeah, she wanted me to say one other thing.
    Aang: What?
    *sokka kisses aang on the cheek*
    *aang starts scrubbing it off*
    Sokka: Oh wait, maybe I was suppose to say, "Katara gives you a kiss", not do it....
    Aang: Sokka... I'm gonna kill you later....
    *haru starts running around the island, now with his mustash shaved off, and his hair gone, and an arrow poorly painted on his head*
    Haru: *shouting* HEY GUYS! BALD IS IN! BALD IS SEXY!
    *aang facepalms*

    *miles away*
    Ty-lee: Hey zuko, the sky just said Bald is in. All the fire nation guys are shaving there heads. Go shave your head!
    Zuko: No.
    Azula: I'll do it. *takes out razer*
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3296]Feb 11, 2008
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    Jancro-Liva wrote:

    Katara talking to someone about the DOBS Kiss: Toph

    Katara: Toph? Can I talk to you?

    Toph: Yeahm what?

    Katara: Um... remember the invasion?

    Toph: You mean the event we've been focusing on since the middle of spring?

    Katara: Uh... Right... Well, when we stopped the submarines to restore out air supply, Aang... Kissed me.

    Toph: WOOHOO GO TWINLKETOES!!! Continue...


    Like it?

    Toph would say something like that too!
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3297]Feb 11, 2008
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    the1stavatar wrote:
    Ok, by popular demand, I present the ever popular "Deleted Kataang Momements"

    "Oh yeah, before we die..."

    *on the island*

    Aang: Hey katara, I need to tell you something before we go to battle, while we have the time.
    Katara: What is it aang?
    Aang: Katara, I...
    Sokka: Hey Katara, quick question, where did you put my sword?
    Katara: It's right there sokka.
    Sokka: Ok, thanks.
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... I....
    Sokka: Katara, I still can't find it.
    Katara: Ugh, I'll help.
    *katara goes to help sokka, aang facepalms, making a mental note to kill sokka later*
    *katara returns*
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... I....
    Sokka: Hey aang. I need to ask you a personal question. Why go bald? Is the bald look in? Is it bad to have hair?
    Haru: WHAT? HAIR IS BAD?!?!?! *runs to go shave his mustash, people hear him scream as he does it*
    Aang: Sokka, don't you have a sword to find?
    Sokka: No, I found that. Oh yeah, katara, do you know where my helmet is?
    Katara: Over there sokka.
    Sokka: No, that's toph's helmet.
    Katara: No, that's yours. That's why it's shaped like a wolf.
    Sokka: OHHHHH. Ok. Sorry, sorry. Continue.
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... *pauses and looks around for sokka* I....
    Sokka: *randomly appears out of no where* Did you know that when the sun is at full eclipse, it looks black? I'm gonna try to look at it when it is. It will probally look awsome.
    Aang: Sokka.... Please.... I beg you... Please go...
    Aang: GO AWAY!
    Zutarian: Ok.....
    Sokka: Boy, don't you hate those people who randomly keep on coming every time you give them hints to leave. I hate those people, don't you? Good thing none of us are like that, am I right?
    *aang is turning red, katara sees aang upset and gets the hint*
    Katara: Sokka, can you give aang and me a minute?
    Sokka: Sure! Why didn't you just say so?
    *sokka leaves*
    Katara: Ok, you can go.
    Aang: Katara.... I....
    *aang's shoulder is tapped*
    Aang: I AM SO SICK OF YOU INTERUPTING OUR CONVERSATION! GO AWAY YOU SON OF A..... oh...heh heh, hey chief hakota.... heh heh...
    Hakota: Hello.... *cough* Aang.
    Aang: *getting down on his knees and kissing hakota's feet*: I'm SO SORRY! I NEVER MEANT TO INSULT YOU! IT WAS MEANT FOR SOMEONE ELSE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!
    Hakota: Ok, Ok, calm down. It's fine. I just came to say it's time to load the ships.
    Aang; Ok, we will be right there.
    *hakota leaves*
    Aang: K, I'm getting this out now before we die, I love you!
    *aang suddenly realises katara left awhile ago, and he accidently said it to sokka*
    Sokka: Aww...I love you too big guy.
    *hugs aang*
    Aang: Sokka....where...is...katara?
    Sokka: Oh, she said she had to go get ready for battle, she said she's sorry she didn't get to hear what you said, and that she will hear it later after the battle.
    Aang: Awwwwwwww....
    Sokka: Oh well, it's not like you were gonna say your in love with her, right?
    Aang: *facepalms*
    Sokka: Oh yeah, she wanted me to say one other thing.
    Aang: What?
    *sokka kisses aang on the cheek*
    *aang starts scrubbing it off*
    Sokka: Oh wait, maybe I was suppose to say, "Katara gives you a kiss", not do it....
    Aang: Sokka... I'm gonna kill you later....
    *haru starts running around the island, now with his mustash shaved off, and his hair gone, and an arrow poorly painted on his head*
    Haru: *shouting* HEY GUYS! BALD IS IN! BALD IS SEXY!
    *aang facepalms*

    *miles away*
    Ty-lee: Hey zuko, the sky just said Bald is in. All the fire nation guys are shaving there heads. Go shave your head!
    Zuko: No.
    Azula: I'll do it. *takes out razer*
    That was super hilarious. And the Katara thing at the end, that was sweet of her. ^_^
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  • Avatar of Toph_kicks_butt


    [3298]Feb 11, 2008
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    segman2008 wrote:
    segman2008 wrote:

    Azula looks for a job

    Job Counsuler: lets see here, your resume looks impressive. 15 years as a fire princess, mastery in firebending, overtaking the Earth Kingdom Capital. let's see, do you like animals?

    Azula: sure

    *at southern air temple*

    Aang: so did you set up the fence for appa?

    Azula: yes. i'm sure he's for a shocking surprise. so appa, do you want this watermelon? go get it. *throws it towards frence*

    *appa gets caught in electric fence*

    Headline: bison in hospital after being shocked by electric fence

    Job counsuler: okay so your not an animal lover. maybe more of a people person.

    *in therapists room*

    Zuko: i mean some time i just want to kill my dad, you know?

    Azula: good, use you anger and show no mercy and you tranformation to the dark side will be complete

    Headline: Angry teen kills Fire Lord and Family

    Job Counsuler: okay so that didn't go so well. telemarketing, no one could possibly get hurt

    *in office*

    Sokka: *over phone* so what are the benefits of joining Cingular?

    Azula: power. UNLIMITED *shocks sokka over phone* POWER

    sokka: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *dies*

    Azula: Minutes minutes. i mean unlimited minutes *hears screaming* oh sh**

    *in flight control room*

    Katara: *over radio* air traffic control come in. this is flight 137. we're running out of fuel. we need somewhere to land NOW!

    Azula: i'm pretty sure all the runways will be quite occupied when your plane arrives.

    Katara: for gods sake please we're going down!

    Azula: and now young pilot *grabs switch* you will die *cuts power to the plane*

    Katara: ohhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Azula: *evil laugh* flight 137? come in.

    Headline: at least 400 killed in worst plane crash in water tribe history

    Job Counsuler: we don't even give out air traffic controler positions. how did you get that job?!

    Azula: it's not like i can find another job anywhere else.

    Job counsuler: get the hell out


    What. no comment?

    No one commented on mine.
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  • Avatar of the1stavatar


    [3299]Feb 11, 2008
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    Spacerac wrote:
    the1stavatar wrote:
    Ok, by popular demand, I present the ever popular "Deleted Kataang Momements"

    "Oh yeah, before we die..."

    *on the island*

    Aang: Hey katara, I need to tell you something before we go to battle, while we have the time.
    Katara: What is it aang?
    Aang: Katara, I...
    Sokka: Hey Katara, quick question, where did you put my sword?
    Katara: It's right there sokka.
    Sokka: Ok, thanks.
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... I....
    Sokka: Katara, I still can't find it.
    Katara: Ugh, I'll help.
    *katara goes to help sokka, aang facepalms, making a mental note to kill sokka later*
    *katara returns*
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... I....
    Sokka: Hey aang. I need to ask you a personal question. Why go bald? Is the bald look in? Is it bad to have hair?
    Haru: WHAT? HAIR IS BAD?!?!?! *runs to go shave his mustash, people hear him scream as he does it*
    Aang: Sokka, don't you have a sword to find?
    Sokka: No, I found that. Oh yeah, katara, do you know where my helmet is?
    Katara: Over there sokka.
    Sokka: No, that's toph's helmet.
    Katara: No, that's yours. That's why it's shaped like a wolf.
    Sokka: OHHHHH. Ok. Sorry, sorry. Continue.
    Katara: You were saying?
    Aang: Katara... *pauses and looks around for sokka* I....
    Sokka: *randomly appears out of no where* Did you know that when the sun is at full eclipse, it looks black? I'm gonna try to look at it when it is. It will probally look awsome.
    Aang: Sokka.... Please.... I beg you... Please go...
    Aang: GO AWAY!
    Zutarian: Ok.....
    Sokka: Boy, don't you hate those people who randomly keep on coming every time you give them hints to leave. I hate those people, don't you? Good thing none of us are like that, am I right?
    *aang is turning red, katara sees aang upset and gets the hint*
    Katara: Sokka, can you give aang and me a minute?
    Sokka: Sure! Why didn't you just say so?
    *sokka leaves*
    Katara: Ok, you can go.
    Aang: Katara.... I....
    *aang's shoulder is tapped*
    Aang: I AM SO SICK OF YOU INTERUPTING OUR CONVERSATION! GO AWAY YOU SON OF A..... oh...heh heh, hey chief hakota.... heh heh...
    Hakota: Hello.... *cough* Aang.
    Aang: *getting down on his knees and kissing hakota's feet*: I'm SO SORRY! I NEVER MEANT TO INSULT YOU! IT WAS MEANT FOR SOMEONE ELSE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!
    Hakota: Ok, Ok, calm down. It's fine. I just came to say it's time to load the ships.
    Aang; Ok, we will be right there.
    *hakota leaves*
    Aang: K, I'm getting this out now before we die, I love you!
    *aang suddenly realises katara left awhile ago, and he accidently said it to sokka*
    Sokka: Aww...I love you too big guy.
    *hugs aang*
    Aang: Sokka....where...is...katara?
    Sokka: Oh, she said she had to go get ready for battle, she said she's sorry she didn't get to hear what you said, and that she will hear it later after the battle.
    Aang: Awwwwwwww....
    Sokka: Oh well, it's not like you were gonna say your in love with her, right?
    Aang: *facepalms*
    Sokka: Oh yeah, she wanted me to say one other thing.
    Aang: What?
    *sokka kisses aang on the cheek*
    *aang starts scrubbing it off*
    Sokka: Oh wait, maybe I was suppose to say, "Katara gives you a kiss", not do it....
    Aang: Sokka... I'm gonna kill you later....
    *haru starts running around the island, now with his mustash shaved off, and his hair gone, and an arrow poorly painted on his head*
    Haru: *shouting* HEY GUYS! BALD IS IN! BALD IS SEXY!
    *aang facepalms*

    *miles away*
    Ty-lee: Hey zuko, the sky just said Bald is in. All the fire nation guys are shaving there heads. Go shave your head!
    Zuko: No.
    Azula: I'll do it. *takes out razer*
    That was super hilarious. And the Katara thing at the end, that was sweet of her. ^_^

    Yeah, I'm now gonna start a blooper series with these kataang moments, and not just limit it to the top 10 moments. It's time I get back to making the funny bloopers I used to make.
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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3300]Feb 11, 2008
    • member since: 01/27/08
    • level: 4
    • rank: Thighmaster
    • posts: 120

    *Nighmares and Daydreams*

    Aang: *in a dream* Katara, i'm going to come right out and say it. I LOVE YOU *kisses her in his dream* *wakes up and hears someone screaming*

    Aang: *out of dream* WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!

    Sokka: you kissed me, that's what!!


    Edited on 02/11/2008 3:21pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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