confucioussayhi wrote: |
Aang-When am I going to kiss Katara? Mike(the creator)-Never, about midway through the first season we decided to personally ship Zutara. Aang-Why didn't you tell me then? I wouldn't have got my hopes up! Mike-We couldn't bear to ruin your fun, I mean, you're like 12 years old. Aang-So why are you telling me now? Mike-Cause we finally got better funding and are letting you go for that other kid, you know the one in the pilot. Aang-Mitch!?!?! He's such a q*eer! Mike-Yeah, but he doesn't b*tch and moan like you. Sokka-I know why you're doing this, Mitch hates Katara, so if you got Mitch, then you got Zutara. Mike-Pretty much. Sokka-Beware the powers of the shippers. Mike-Oh, yeah Sokka, we got a new ship for you. Sokka-Ooh! Is it Zuko's old girlfriend!? Mike-No, it's Haru. Sokka-F***! Aang-Screw you guys. Come on Momo, we're going where our talents are appreciated. Momo-The hell with you, I'm gonna get shippin' with Suki. Suki-YAY! I get a fuzzy jungle lover!(Purrs) Momo-Boo-yah. |
I liked the end.?? It was a great ending.?? Everything else was good too.?? Bit confusing the first time around but good.