I have to admit, I cried in all of these episodes:
- The Southern Air Temple - that ending scene was just heartbreaking
- The Storm (just a very wet eye, but still...:cry
- Seige of the North, Part 2 - Yues death
The scene at the end was very emotional too, but then Azula came on and snapped me out of it in a very pleasant way
- Return to Omashu - come on, you have to admit, the ending was very special.
- Zuko Alone - the first of 2 times that I have shed a tear over Zuko's storyline. *sniff* I loved this episode.
- The Desert - that scene, again at the end
- The Serpent's Pass - that scene with Aang and Katara was just... 
- Tales of Ba Sing Se - both Iroh and Momo's stories had a real effect.
- Appa's Lost Days - anyone who has ever owned a pet cannot help but feel emotional over this episode.
- The Guru - those Chakra scenes...
- The Crossroads of Destiny - tears of joy
Azula, the love of my life, survived
Better than survived, she pwned the good guys and won out in the end - almost inconcievable on a show like Avatar.
- The Awakening - I think this might just have had something to do with seeing Avatar again after so damned long.
- Nightmares and Daydreams - tears of laughter -ROFLMAO

- DOBS - very similar to COD - I was so happy to see Azula pull through once again
Oh yes, and I felt a bit sorry for Aang.
- The Boiling Rock - similar to The Awakening. New Avatar episodes and how epic they were was just too much - I collapsed soobing into a pillow with sheer joy.
- EIP - more tears of laughter

- Sozin's Comet - I burst into tears so many times during the finale, it's just not funny. As the end credits showed, I stood and did a formal bow to the television. Then I collapsed to the ground, sobbing.
As you can tell from the above, I am a fairly emotional kind of guy liable to burst into tears at the slightest prompt, at least as far as Avatar is concerned
Avatar is pretty much the only thing in years now that has proved capable of moving me to tears. Such is the power of this show.
Edited on 09/10/2008 11:39am