It is now time for me to go on the offensive. I have doubled in increased troops (and votes) since the beginning and I'm ready to kick some tookus. Here is teh Air Nomads Move: (Bear with me here people. Also, check to see If I'm right about what I"m doing, I don't want to step out of line.) I am sending half my bison Fighters (with aerial weapons and such) across the sea... TO AID THE WATER TRIBEZ AND EARTH KINGDOM. In this time, I have been observing to see who is the underdog. Foolishly, Axrendale underestimated my resources and thought that I was acting weak, being on the defensive. The plan to lead axrendale into the heart of the earth kindgom was my idea, and now he is trapped. My 75 bison Fighters, Are moving north to aid both nations. Their goal is to ambush Fire Nation divisions and ELIMINATE them. I have told them to Kill FN soldiers etc. on sight. No mercy for the cold air that is the air nomads. I will have my troops moving from temple East and West, Covering on a lattitude scale the width of Axrendales "Invasion." Also, Any moves axrendale makes on the serpents pass will be invalid. I dare him to cross the serpents pass and make it alive. also, Any attempts axrendale makes on the western air Temple and it's head monk will be responded to by Water Tribe Mercenaries and Resident Ba Gua fighters on stand by, lead by the Head Monk, Avataraang13. In addition, I plan to enforce a "advantage Taking" tactic on the fire nation soldiers. Winds will be created throughout land and sea, Causing waves to churn, and Fire benders to lose control of their fire. (libraman approves of this bull though, So I thought I'd use it. XD) My manuever is a plan intended on weakening Fire Nation Trust and the trust the fire nation derserves for betrayal and Ruthless tactics. Also, I intend to make alliance with the water tribes and swamp tribes. With the earth Kingdom I have stayed neutral, due to it's Fued with the Fire Nation. Also, My roster needs to be increased, because I had, lyke 4 or 5 people join the air nomads, so Jack those numbers up libraman. If I forgot anything, I would LIke for my Eastern Air Temple Monk, AvatarAang to add. Thank you. Till next time. DAFOOSE THE CHIEF.