Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
A. I'm not going to say.
Q. Can some one take this cookies to Aang.
Yes, but first you must go through every obstacle I think of in the next 24 hours.
Why are younger brothers so weird?
A: Because they like soft fabric
Q: How long have you been spinning?
A. As long as I don't throw up.
Q. It's time to "ROCK ON".
A. No diet.
Q. "Quick, tackle Sokka while he's not looking ".
Q. Super Aang World.
A: 1600
Q: How bad are you?
A. I don't want to say.
Q. Why is the lid to the cookie jar off.
A. Yea, yea, yeah.
Q. Should i do something crazy out on the street?
A: Go ahead
Q: Will you knit me a sock?
A. Sure why not.
Q. "Every body was Kung fu fighting...
A. Those... i forgot the rest.
Q. is this an AA meeting?