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Avatar: The Last Airbender Forums

Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer 2

  • Avatar of captaintombatch


    [961]Sep 21, 2011
    • member since: 04/21/06
    • level: 32
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    A: A tiger

    Q: Where does it rain every day?
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  • Avatar of AllieAllie


    [962]Sep 21, 2011
    • member since: 07/12/07
    • level: 22
    • rank: Freak and Geek
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    A: In my personal empire

    Q: Dressing up for Halloween?

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  • Avatar of captaintombatch


    [963]Sep 23, 2011
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    A: Thinking about it, but it's still too early.

    Q: Would you love to have a lemur as a pet?
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  • Avatar of AllieAllie


    [964]Sep 23, 2011
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    A: I would very much love to have one

    Q: Would you want a panda as a pet?

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  • Avatar of captaintombatch


    [965]Sep 24, 2011
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    A: It would be really hard to take care of, with it's size and need for food.

    Q: Do you like making paper airplanes?
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  • Avatar of AllieAllie


    [966]Sep 24, 2011
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    A: Could never figure out how to make one

    Q: Excited for halloween?

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  • Avatar of captaintombatch


    [967]Sep 28, 2011
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    A: Yeah, but I don't know what I'll dress up as.

    Q: What are you gonna be for Halloween?
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  • Avatar of AllieAllie


    [968]Oct 1, 2011
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    A: Don't know yet

    Q: Can you believe its already October?

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  • Avatar of captaintombatch


    [969]Oct 6, 2011
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    A: No, but soon the snow will come too.

    Q: Does it snow a lot where you live?
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  • Avatar of AllieAllie


    [970]Oct 7, 2011
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    A: Depends on the year. Some years it barely snows at all and other years its really heavy

    Q: Ready for halloween?

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  • Avatar of ddendong116


    [971]Oct 12, 2011
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    A: No, not sure the UK does Halloween... Q: Why so fixated on Halloween??
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  • Avatar of AllieAllie


    [972]Oct 14, 2011
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    A: I'm not, forgot I asked that question already XD

    Q: Favorite time of day?

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  • Avatar of captaintombatch


    [973]Jan 18, 2012
    • member since: 04/21/06
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    A: Late afternoon. Still has sunlight outside.

    Q: Will we ever find out if The Last Airbender II will be made?
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  • Avatar of AllieAllie


    [974]Jan 19, 2012
    • member since: 07/12/07
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    A: Doubt it, think its just going to quietly die off with everyone forgetting the first one was made in the first place. Which wouldn't be bad.

    Q: Random Dancing?

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