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131a - Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful

Squidward exits his house, saying "Another beautiful Sunday." He goes down the street, dancing, but steps on some gum and falls. He frantically tries to get it loose. He finally does, and tosses the gum aside. Officer John sees the gum and inspects it. He then walks over to Squidward, thinking he littered, and asks Squidward about the gum, to which Squidward replies, "I just stepped in it." Officer John says "Boy, you sure did," and gives him a ticket, sentencing him to community service.

It then cuts to Squidward picking up trash (with some people giving him their trash), then Squilliam comes along and brags about the statue that was made of him just for cleaning up Bikini Bottom in only one week, to which Squidward replies, "I can clean it up in one day!" Squilliam then gets out a tissue and blows his nose on it, and says "Here, this should get you started.," and drops it on the ground. Officer John comes along, sees the tissue, and thinks Squidward dropped it. He then gives Squidward another ticket.

When Squidward looks for place to put his trash, he sees that all the cans and dumpsters are full, so he "borrows" a kid's toy wagon. Mable sees Squidward with the trash and she tells everyone it's Trash Day, soon the trash in the wagon becomes a trash mountain. SpongeBob comes out of one of the garbage bags and offers Squidward to help him when he discovers the life cycle of a Krabby Patty (one that was thrown out). Squidward says "He'd rather be beaten to a pulp," then the boy and his mother appear, with the boy telling his mother to beat Squidward to a pulp. Squidward is beaten and covered in trash. Officer John thinks Squidward made the mess and gives him another ticket. Squidward then accepts SpongeBob's offer and SpongeBob gets rid of all the trash.

Squidward goes home and relaxes, until he realizes his house is made of garbage. He runs outside and sees that the garbage was made into a replica of Squidward's house. Officer John gives Squidward two tickets (one for the garbage house and one for the first ticket falling on the ground). Squidward gets so angry, his nerves spell out "I am angry." SpongeBob asks why and Squidward finds out his house is on top of the replica because the dump is closed. SpongeBob took it to his house by sucking the garbage onto his body. When SpongeBob talked, garbage came out of his mouth, leading Officer John to give Squidward another ticket.

Squidward puts the trash-filled SpongeBob in SpongeBob's own bin (giving Squidward another ticket for putting his trash in someone else's rubbish bin). SpongeBob finds that the reason why Squidward wants to get rid of the trash is to get a statue of himself. SpongeBob makes a statue of Squidward made of the garbage. Squilliam says the statue is just like Squidward, having the stench of failure. The horrible stench melts Squilliam's statue, ruining it, and Squilliam surprisingly gets a ticket from Officer John. Before the end of the episode, Officer John gives both SpongeBob and Squidward tickets for the statue made of garbage.

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