I was always expecting Geoff to last longer then Trent. The obvious reason - Heather hates Gwen, so she will hurt her feelings one way. While Bridgette and Geoff have no conflict with Heather.
Althrought, I was never expecting DJ to last until the final 10. I always tought close, but not in it.
If Lindsay is gone. Heather will still have Izzy, reminber?
I doubt Heather or someone from her alliance will go. I'm thinking either Owen or Duncan are next.
I don't expect Bridgette and Geoff to go soon. Why? Because they are the last couple on the show. It wouldn't be the same without couples.
Ok, if that's true then its really messed up.
In the preview, Heather and Lindsay were elimnated by Chef in the challenge. What the hell did Heather do this time.
Althrought, I doubt it. Since Bridgette and Geoff are the last couple on TDI. Which wouldn't be the same without a couple.
Althrought, Heather did say: "The only alliance in this ilsand is mine" so yeah, its possible.
Nonetheless, its still 7v3 votes for Heather.