Did you think Owen was going to win? When I started watching, I knew Owen had already won- but for those who didn't read spoilers- who did you think was GOING to win?
Did you think Owen was going to win? When I started watching, I knew Owen had already won- but for those who didn't read spoilers- who did you think was GOING to win?
I found out that Owen won after seeing the first six episodes, but during those first six I thought that either Duncan, Gwen or Harold would win.
I wanted Courtney to win in TDI but I thought that Heather could have won. I HATE HER!!! l
There were just too many characters to keep track of, I really had no idea. But I knew it had to be someone with a real plot; one-noters like Tyler, Justin, and Katie/Sadie, I had a feeling they'd be gone once their running gag became old. As the characters began to develop, it became clear that as soon as they were "resolved", they would be eliminated (Beth, Courtney, and Geoff were good examples, so was Cody although he got a one-episode grace period.) Gwen had the most development of all; I thought for sure they were hinting at a Gwen win, and was genuinely surprised that that wasn't the case (I was also unaware that the winner was chosen by viewer votes).
The first 2 episodes I watched were Not Quite Famous and If You Can't Take The Heat- and I thought that either Harold, Duncan, Gwen, or maybe even Leshawna would win.
The first 2 episodes I saw were The Sucky Outdoors and Phobia Factor. I thought Heather would win due to the lack of gophers voting her off.
When I first saw TDI, I thought to myself "this is a weird group of Teenagers". Honestly, I started to like Cody when he first came and since he had the same name as cody from the suite life of zach and cody. He immediatly became my favorite character. Then I went on Wikipedia and found out Owen was gonna win. Me and my brother couldn't belive it (he thought Geoff was gonna win). Just when I got on I said "WWWWHHHHHAAAATTTTT!!!!?????
Go Cody! Make it into the Finals... then choose Gwen or Sierra. Yep he got a lot on his plates.