Hi i'm new to the site but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tda/Tdi
here some movie genre themed challenges i think would be cool
-Silent Movie (that would be funny)
-Musical (i just think it would be cool to see the contestants try to sing and fail miserably at it)
-Ninja/Kung-Fu (Harold would like that challenge)
-Wedding themed (there been alot of rumours about this one but i think it would be cool to see the challenge that chris sets up)
- space themed (not like the alien sorta like a star wars or star trek themed)
and the final one
-Action themed (they cant forget this one it could be like the final challenge)
princesstikal wrote: |
-Wedding themed (there been alot of rumours about this one but i think it would be cool to see the challenge that chris sets up) |
hehehe...funny image. A person from one team is the bride, and one team from the other is the groom. I'm thinking if that challenge happens, Duncan and Courtney will be fighting.......and Chris will exploit it for laughs. In other words bride=Courtney, groom=Duncan. Interesting to see the Bride try and kill the Groom.
kittiekat10105 wrote: | ||
hehehe...funny image. A person from one team is the bride, and one team from the other is the groom. I'm thinking if that challenge happens, Duncan and Courtney will be fighting.......and Chris will exploit it for laughs. In other words bride=Courtney, groom=Duncan. Interesting to see the Bride try and kill the Groom. |
They could do another behind-the-scenes challlenge like in "Riot On the Set" This is kind of a weird idea, but keep an open mind:
The episode begins with a camper, whose identity we don't get to see, being driven away in the lame-o-sine. (We don't get to see what the challenge was either) But at the last second, they find that all the tapes from the episode they just completed, have been erased. Pressed for time, Chris has the campers write a replacement episode, up to and including an elimination of their chocie. They'll act out whoever's script is best, culminating in the elimination of whoever the winning writer selected.
Here's two things i thought up with elimination
Silent Movie-Challenge:Must be silent,Eliminated:Owen,Reason-Farting
Musical-Challenge:Sing not talk,Eliminated:Lindsay,Reason-She thought she saw Tyler
How about a "living toy" movie, where the campers have to perform the challenges while pretending to be various toys. Lindsay and Justin could be Barbie and Ken, for example (Or maybe "Darby and Ben" to avoid copyright infringement). Their challenge would take place on a set where everything is huge, to mimic the relative size of a toy, and to further complicate things, they can't use their knees or elbows, because dolls don't have those.
Or how about a spots movie? Like one of those cheesey ones where you've got an underdog team that absolutely has to win against the undefeated champion team for some reason? So some stuff happens, and in the end the underdogs win! In the episode, they start with a toss-up challenge, with the winning team getting to take the role of underdogs, since all the movies seem to suggest that being an underdog is advantageous. Then the actual challenge is the game itself, I don't know what sport they'd choose, maybe hockey since it's in Canada?
Spy Movie
Ninja Movie
Pirate Movie
War Movie
radicalm18 wrote: |
Spy Movie Ninja Movie Pirate Movie War Movie |
Oh wait, sorry, they already did war movies.
radicalm18 wrote: |
Spy Movie Ninja Movie Pirate Movie War Movie |
Cyrope wrote: |
sorry if someone has already made this, but i was just wondering what other themes there could still be. i was thinking medival and ninja themes |
Silent black-and-white movie would be a win for sure.
Wait, I've got it: Romantic Comedy.
High School Movie
Vampire Movie(They have to run away from the opposing team, other team has to catch them)
Superhero movie
Magic Movie.
Race Movie