I'd rather eat ribs, but if pineapples count as Pineapple juice, I'm Game
Bully Harold or Bully Heather?
Heather. Harold did not deserve what he got.
Gwen or Courtney?
DJ or Geoff?
Running against Courtney for Class President or running against Noah?
Running against Noah. Courtney seems to be a winner.
Who's stronger? DJ or Duncan?
DJ, because of Up the Creek.
Being stuck in the confessional with Cody for an hour or Noah?
Noah. because I wouldn't want to listen to how someone's such a ladies man for an hour.
would you rather spend an hour listening to katie and sadie scream like dolphins, or fight Chef.
Fight Chef. o-o
Chill in the hot tub with the pervert, Eziekel, or Izzy? Keep in mind that she pees in the water.
Cody or Noah
Cody. He didn't have the superiority complex.
Have to walk through a minefield or defuse a bomb?
Diffuse a bomb.
Get in a fight with Duncan or Eva?
Duncan, he's not gonna go till you're dead.
Gwen or Bridgette?
Duncan/Courtney or Lindsay/Tyler
Katie or Lindsay?
DJ or Duncan?
Which is worse, being locked in the boat house for the night or having the whole camp washed away in a storm.
camp washed away by storm
Would you rather be killed by izzy or be killed by the chef??