Lindsay. At least Bridgette tried to hide convinceably.
More annoying, Courtney or Owen?
Who is more evil? Heather? or Chris?
Heather! Especially what she does in the next episode!
Same Q.
Um i'd say chris..
Who is least deserving to win:
Leshawna or Owen?
owen. gotta say.
nicer: katie or sadie?
Katie, I was being random
Who is least deserving to win? Ezekiel? or Eva?
Eva. Ezekiel just never learned any better.
More annoying, Courtney or Lindsay?
Courtney. Lindsay's annoying 'blondeness' at least can at least make me laugh at times.
Who shouldn't return for total drama action: Bridgette or Gwen?
Gwen because she is overused
Who is weirder Beth? Harold? or Ezekiel?
(If I can't do 3 then just Harold or Ezekiel)
Favorite couple Courtney & Duncan or Gwen & Trent?
Duncan % Courtney!
Geoff & Bridgette? or Owen % Izzy?
Bear in Sadie's clothing. That's quirky.
Which is better, Old layout or new layout (like this is even a question)