somewierdkid wrote: |
it seems now, even though they ALL hate her, Courtney is the best player on the Grip team. soooo. any thoughts about the Grips in the sports challenge. |
Well if the Grips lose hopefully they'll vote Courtney off, though considering she still has a story with Duncan and Heather I doubt it, however if they win I believe LeShawna would be next to go since she doesn't really have a storyline except that her team-mates hate/distrust her.
LordGrievous wrote: | ||
Well if the Grips lose hopefully they'll vote Courtney off, though considering she still has a story with Duncan and Heather I doubt it, however if they win I believe LeShawna would be next to go since she doesn't really have a storyline except that her team-mates hate/distrust her. |
I agree. I think if the Grips lose, Justin will have to go , just because Courtney is important to the story, like Duncan, Harold, or Heather, but I'm pretty sure that the Gaffers are going to lose and vote off LeShawna
imverybasic wrote: |
Didn't the Grips win a couple of challenges? I can't remember. |
somewierdkid wrote: |
yeah. if it werent for DJ, Gwen, and Courtney, the grips would have lost every challenge in the show. and all the grips would have been gone by now (including Izzy's two eliminations). well, IF all the episodes had an elimination. actually, if that were true, all the grips would have left any way. |
somewierdkid wrote: |
it seems now, even though they ALL hate her, Courtney is the best player on the Grip team. soooo. any thoughts about the Grips in the sports challenge. |
HaydenAvery wrote: |
they already won the stone age challenge suiteferb but courtney is FAR from being a good leader! |
CrystalCoconut wrote: | ||
Even I agree Courtney is an awful leader.. But she is the best player on the Grips |
shishkabob999 wrote: | ||||
Dammit, am I the only one who still believes in Justin? |
HaydenAvery wrote: |
nah not best grip. heres how id rank the the grips. 1. Lindsay 2. Beth 3. Courtney 4. Justin |
SqueakyYugi wrote: |
Leshawna, Gwen, and Heather were on the better team both times. It must be that one or more of those three is the key to victory. |
Riankg wrote: | ||
YEAH!! Last season we saw that in the top 5 there were 4 Gophers and 1 Bass. But in other hand this season is more balanced. Because both teams have good characters. I know the Grips have Justin..who doesnt do actually nothing (with exceptions), Lindsay..who helps but is dumb, Beth..who sometimes help..sometimes not..and Courtney who is crazy but helps. But still they are characters taht can survive determined challenges. |
shishkabob999 wrote: | ||||
Actually, I think it's pretty obvious that the Gaffers are the better team, like the Gophers last season. |