Yeah, you're right about all of those's, especially about Cody and Gwen. But I got only 1 question: How the heck did Owen win? Was it just Dumb Luck?
DiamondHead1830 wrote: |
Do u really think he could? Heather and Alejandro are too mean to win. Duncan 1 last time and has otten far in the last 2 seasons. LeShawna, i just dont think her or DJ will. Zeke is... well zeke. Courtney is also too mean. Noah, smart elic. Izzy is too crazy to win! Cody... I think him and Gwen have great possibilities to win! I bet Sierra will get far. Tyler is a bit too unlucky to win, and Lindsay could win but shes not very smart so its 50/50 |
Every Season I have a favorite to win. But I usually have more winners but I mostly believe in 1. When that top 1 leaves, I choose another.
Season 1: Cody
Screaming Gopher Boy: Cody, Trent, Owen
Screaming Gopher Girl: Lindsay, Leshawna
Killer Bass: Duncan
Sadly, It was down to the Top 2: Owen and Gwen, so I voted for Owen. And he won.
Season 2: Duncan
Screaming Gaffer Boy: Duncan
Screaming Gaffer Girl: Leshawna
Killer Grips Boy:Trent, Justin
Killer Grips Girl: Lindsay
Andthis time it's was only a One-Shot. I only needed to Vote for Duncan, sinceI hate Beth (ew). Ironic the last person I pick in the Top 2 won (Owen and Duncan).
So far, Season 3: Cody
Team Amazon: Cody or Sierra
Team Victory: Lindsay or Leshawna
Team Chris: Noah
So right now I'm hoping Cody goes far... to the winning circle.
DiamondHead1830 wrote: |
Doubt Chris will let Zeke back on SINCE HE BEEN KICKD OFF AND BACK ON FOR THE THIRD TIME IN 4 EPISODES!!!!!!!! |
I thought Chris liked Ezekial in Season 1. Leshawna vs. Alejandro? I hope she finds out before she gets kicked off. But Heather vs. Alejandro= This is gonna be good.