"Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Show" premieres Tuesday, April 6 at 8pm! I saw it on the CN.com schedule under all showings for "special".
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I'm not totally sure yet because while it is the cartoonetwork website tv guide imdb listings and the guide for my tv do not show it. I don't want to get my hopes up untill I'm definitly sure about the special
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SERIOUSLY???? And we will see it before Teletoon Airs it there? THAT'S AMAZING! Seriously can't wait for this one and to finally see the characters for World Tour!!!!
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New episode description from TVGuide: An entertainment-magazine show follows the cast at an awards show, where they're up for a Gemmie. But the gang's popularity is threatened when a TV host finds a new reality cast to rocket to stardom. What do you think of that?
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