I know this board is basically dead, but I figured I'd start a discussion anyway, now that season 5 has officially aired in the U.S.
I know some of us do research and may have heard things. I ask that you please don't put any spoilers for episodes that have NOT already aired. Season 3 had been pretty much spoiled for me, for most of us probably, and while it was my own fault I would like to avoid it this season.
However SPOILERS FOR ALREADY AIRED EPISODES ARE ALLOWED. So if you haven't seen an episode or if it hasn't aired yet where you live then please proceed with caution and read at your own risk. Or don't read it at all. This will probably follow the U.S. timetable, since I don't think it's aired elsewhere. (Because we are on different timetables would threads for specific episodes be better?)
Anyway, on to the good stuff! What did you guys think of the first episode? I thought it was pretty good. I was kind of passive about this season coming, since there aren't many of my favorites this season. However, after watching the first episode I've gotten a little more excited for it. It wasn't necessarily outstanding but I'm happy that it's back.
Here are some specific thoughts:
No offense to Owen fans but I'm glad he's not in it this season.
Alejandro's new voice kinda threw me off. He just didn't sound as much of a bad guy like he did 3rd season. I thought at first that he had turned over a new leaf but then I realized it was just a different VA.
Can somebody PLEASE explain to me what Gwen is thinking? I mean, she said she didn't do anything wrong. That Courtney and Duncan weren't together when she and Duncan got together. However, I SPECIFICALLY remember that Courtney and Duncan were in fact dating when Gwen and Duncan kissed. Yes, maybe Courtney dumped him before he and Gwen started officially dating but she still kissed him while they were together. Yet she kept trying to justify herself.
ELIMINATION SPOILER. (I warned you) I figured Lindsay would get the boot once she made the comment about lip gloss not being worth the money. I like how she's just sick of it all. Shows that she actually is kinda smart.