Fav hero: Im not all into the super hero thing, so i guess i'll pick spidey
Fav song: ummm to many to choose, but my top five are "You Belong with Me" and "Love Story" by Taylor Swift, "Love Drunk" - Boys like girls "Viva la Vida" Coldplay and "I got a Feeling" - Black eyed peas
Fav band: Hmmm tie between Boys like Girls and Black Eyed Peas.
Dogs or Cats: DOGS!!!!!!!!!! Fries: PLEEEEEASE!!!
Fav Pokemon: Uhhg i love most if not all from gens 1 and 2, a few from gen 3 and only 2 from gen 4. I'll give you my team of 6 and my top 2 legendaries. Team: Raichu, Quilava, Sizor (my number 1 def), Honchcrow, Gardevoir, Cloyster. Legendaries: Articuno and Suicune
Mario or sonic: im not a fan of either of em, but sonic