In TDI, some were very happy with the results, and some were unhappy. How would you have changed the order of elimination? I would have done: (and why they were eliminated)
1. Tyler (didn't land in the appropriate spot and almost drowned)
2. Sadie (Fell asleep first)
3. Cody (was not good at dodgeball)
4. Owen (his talent was farting to Swan Lake)
5. Eva (Eva got lost in the woods and lost her temper)
6. Katie (Her phobia was losing Sadie)
7. Ezekiel (kept annoying his partners)
8. DJ (A real deer came and attacked him)
9. Leshawna (started a food fight)
10. Harold (No one trusted him)
11. Lindsay (first one to ring the bell)
12. Izzy (Chris got annoyed that nothing tortured her, so he figured that she must be an extra-terrestrial)
13. Heather (couldn't survive was Sasquatchinakwa)
14. Bridgette (couldn't find her key)
15. Geoff (was the first found in Hide and Seek)
16. Trent (his asignment was to catch Courtney, but she was watchful)
17. Noah (When paired up with Courtney, Noah got too competetive)
18. Beth (acidentally voted off)
19. Courtney (She and Gwen made it to the camp last)
20. Justin (Duncan and Gwen made an alliance)
21. Duncan (Gwen beat him in the race)
22. Gwen WINS!
Edited 5 total times.