1st Eva - Lost her temper after the Killer Bass lost.
2nd Justin - Caught cheating in the Awake-a-thon.
3rd Heather - Kept getting hit by the balls.
4th Courtney - Got too bossy
5th Katie - The blueberries distracted her.
6th Sadie - Didn't want to wear the bad haircut wig.
7th Beth - Kept annoying her partner.
8th Owen - Kept getting hit by the paintballs.
9th Leshawna - Gave the Screaming Gophers the lowest score.
10th DJ - Failed the mud-skiing challenge.
11th Ezekiel- Couldn't survive the new age music torture.
12th Izzy - Couldn't open her treasure chest.
13th Geoff - Found first in the hide and seek challenge.
14th Bridgette - Couldn't build a good bike.
15th Gwen - Didn't face the psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook.
16th Trent - Couldn't catch a mouse.
17th Harold - Ate the slowest in the eating challenge.
18th Tyler - The losers were tricked in to saying his name.
19th Lindsay - Couldn't make it to camp.
20th Duncan - He and Cody made it to camp last.
21st Mr. Coconut - Failed all of the dares
22nd Noah - Lost to Cody.
23rd Cody - Wins against Noah.
Edited on 10/31/2009 7:14pm
Edited 8 total times.