I know you guys don't like how TDI and TDA was and how TDWT ended. Before we had TDWTandTDA, some of us decided to post fan-fictions and they were better than the series. Since youdon't like some of the stuff thathappenned on TDA and TDWT,how would you change it?
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instead of Beth crusing on Harold, Beth and Cody forms a relationship
Gwen still broke up with Trent, but in a different way. Instead of that "9" thing, how about Trent keeps getting injured and Gwen could not take it anymore.
I still like Beth and Duncan in the final 2, but instead of Duncan winning, Beth should have won
I guess Eva should be involved as a stunt double (not as a contestant) for Chrisor something since her biography states that was a stunt double
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Noah gets a girlfriend
Ezekiel gets a girlfriend
Alejandro is still the antagonist and a love interest for Heather, however they both get eliminated before going to the final 2. They are working together
I figureNoah would go out with a girl who is quiet, studious, and smart or NoahXKatie
Ezekiel and Cody goes into the final 2 and Ezekiel wins
When they go around the world, Ezekiel speaks in different languages, abecause his biography says that he can
Ezekiel gets voted off but manages to get back in the game through theAftermath show
I still like the DuncanXGwen pairing, and the same thing happens, they kiss and Tyler sees them
I wouldn't remove Sierra, but instead of obsessing over Cody, how about Trent?
After Courtney is mad that Duncan is with Gwen, Justin is still attracted to her and they became boyfriend and girlfriend
DJ gets a girlfriend, he really needs one, I mean he was the "Teddy Bear" type of guy who was strong but was a softie, but now he is a mommas boy. Whatever happenned to the guy that threw Owen off of a cliff in TDI? I'll also remove that curse from him
I think DJXKatie would be perfect, butif not,maybe a girl who likes and respects nature and the outdoors (similar to bridgette)
I would remove Blaineley from ever entering the competition
Eva is in the competition and one episode, she is the complete opposite of herself. She is nice and ladylike. Alejandro used his charm on her to change her and in one of the challenges, her team needed her brute strength. She used her brute strength, but it was too late, her team lost the challenge. As a result, she is voted off and found out that Alejandro made her lost. When Alejandro is finally eliminated, Eva was waiting at where he is going to land. She beats Alejandro up while he is saying "Not the face! Not the face! Not the face!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Also, Heather and Alejandro formed an alliance with Eva. They manipulate Eva into scaring the other contestants into voting whover Heather and Alejandro wants to be out of the competition.
I can see Noah and his girlfriend in a double elimination. In one of the challenges, it requires intelligence and Noah was the smartest of his team, but him and his girlfriend are too distracted with each other. He causes his team to lose and both of them are voted off. If his girlfriend was a smart girl rather than Katie, than it would require both of their intelligence, but it still ends the same way for them when they were distracted by each other.
BTW, you guys remember Leshawna's friend from "Videos from Home"? She could have been one of the new characters for TDA. I can see her and DJ being boyfriend and girlfriend.On top of all that, she would have been perfect for the season because she is a drama queen.
I would add Gwen's younger brother and Heather's younger brother Damien. Well, not now but in TDR.
I guess Sadie would be in the competition and she was the first one voted off
Well, those are my ideas for chainging TDA and TDWT. What do you think?