Here's my list:
My all time favorite is and always will be Geoff!!! ^_^ He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE!!!
Of course who doesn't love Chris!! ^_^
Gwen's cool sometimes.
Trent was really cool!
I also liked Cody ^_^ he was really nice to Gwen!
Lindsay was hillarious! When she told Heather off I was like, WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!! ^_^
DJ was cool too!
Harold was funny, I felt sorry for him when Duncan kept pranking him and stuff.
Bridgette was pretty nice!
Lashawna was nice sometimes too.
And last but not least, Izzy, she was crazy!!
Noah, all the way.
I have a thing for cynics.
And Izzy's my second fav., just because she reminds me of a character I once created with the same name (Seriously, red hair, crazy, completely random. I was so freaked how alike they were. )
mcmarbles wrote: |
So far, one episode in, my favorites are Gwen, Fat Guy, Napoleon Dynamite Guy, Cute Freckled Girl, and Psycho Chef. I haen't learned all their names yet. |
mcmarbles wrote: |
Actually, by now i mostly have their names down, the only one I'm blanking on is Lazy Sarcastic Guy. |