My favourites are Bridgette, Harold, Owen and Gwen.
I also like Duncan, LeShawna, Katie and Trent
Mine would be Gwen, Duncan, Courtney and Geoff.
Hey, anyone else here been a little put off by the Screaming Gophers lately? Anyone getting a bit tired of the attention that Heather's been getting?
I like Izzy, Gwen, LeShawna, Duncan, Bridget, Owen, Jeoff, Harold (until he changed the votes), Beth and to a limit, Trent. DJ's ok, same with Courtney, Katie and Sadie. The only one who will not redeam herself to me is Heather. :-(
So I basically like a lot of the characters. And yes! I can finally tell my sister that there are other people besides me who like Owen! :-D
If you want my list:
Killer Bass:
1st: Geoff
2nd: Bridgette
3rd: Tyler
4th: Harold
5th: DJ
6th: Courtney
7th: Ezekiel
8th: Duncan
9th: Katie
10th: Sadie
11th: Eva
Screaming Gophers:
1st: Izzy
2nd: Noah
3rd: Lindsay
4th: Trent
5th: Gwen
6th: Justin
7th: LeShawna
8th: Owen
9th: Heather
10th: Beth
11th: Cody - Ugh my least favourite character.
Becca331110 wrote: |
Yeah, but Sadie is waay annoying. She sounds like a dying dolphin when she's happy. |
Skyancez wrote: |
Yep, that's why I thought Katie should have stayed instead of Sadie. |
imverybasic wrote: | ||||
I agree with you there. Sadie is annoying, especially when she is with Katie. But in that particular episode, I thought it was best to give her the benefit of the doubt, because she missed Katie too much to even think about winning.
You're right. I didn't expect Sadie to last longer than Katie. I always thought it was the other way around. |