Not gay like Larry Craig is "completely devoted to my family."
Should we lock this thread or the create an episode?
lock it
wat if gwen likes owen
she would look ugly and break all the mirrors in the world and languish in bad luck till the day she dies.
Why does Chris enjoy torturing everybody(including chef)?
his mom did it 2 him
wat if cody was fat
He would break the ground.
What if tdi was gibberish?
everybody would have different names.
What if sadie was skinny and katie was fat?
not thing will happen
wat if phineas and ferb were campers
That wouldn't happen.
Why do people like TDI so much?
it's entertaining and dramatic
Why does courtney like duncan and hate him at the same time?
she thinks he is cute and she hates him because he went 2 jail
is owen gay
Sense word with make please do.
Why does Gwen like blue?
what if tdi was called total volcano island?
Saskatchewan Tech.
Why is Chris such a sadist?
top secret
what if everybody had the same name?