Wouldn't YOU be mean if you had to compete against people who have had 2 more seasons of Reality TV show experience that YOU have had? (By the way, that's a rhetorical question.) What would happen if Noah won "Total Drama World Tour?"
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Justin threw a gigantic hissy-fit and wouldn't stop until Chris agreed to put Justin in "Total Drama Action" INSTEAD of Cody. What would happen if Izzy (or one of her alter-egos) actually managed to WIN a season of the "Total Drama" series?!
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why is all the Total Drama Action and Total Drama World Tour info. (episode guides, discussion, etc.) under Total Drama Island, even though technically they are all different seasons?
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He's too busy playing the Nintendo Wii version of sports games and thinks that he is SO good in virtual sports, he doesn't need to play REAL sports! What would happen if Lindsay managed to win "Total Drama World Tour?" (And don't go for the obvious!)
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Faster than the Road Runner IF there's a psycho chainsaw killer with a bloody HOOK running after them!!!! (Duncan reference!) What would happen if Heather managed to win "Total Drama World Tour?" (PLEASE don't go for the obvious!)
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