Heather would shave her head. (First thing that came to mind.)
Do you ever wonder what one of DJ's sandwiches tastes like?
Heather would shave her head. (First thing that came to mind.)
Do you ever wonder what one of DJ's sandwiches tastes like?
Probably better than anything Chef Hatchet could make! (WHAT?! It IS a stupid answer!) How will Owen PROBABLY get eliminated in "Total Drama World Tour?" (Come on! We all know that there's a 99.9% chance that it's going to happen!)
Izzy convinces everyone to vote him off.
If Izzy/Kaleidoscope/E-Scope/Explosivo/Izzy Esquire changes her name, how come no one else changed his/her name?
Because no one else is as creative as she is! How will LaShawna PROBABLY get eliminated off of "Total Drama World Tour?" (And don't go for the obvious!)
Harold rigs the votes.
Is DJ responsible for the bad economy in the US? (I don't ask DJ questions very often. Also, I'm running out of ideas for the 2nd time.)
No...that would be Courtney's fault as she's so busy trying to SUE everything, she's ruining the entire economy of the world! In "Total Drama World Tour," will Courtney eliminate Harold first or will Harold eliminate Courtney first? And answer why and how!
Courtney eliminates Harold. How? By convincing everyone to vote him off. Why? Harold rigged the votes in "Basic Straining.
Is Ezekiel going to go back to his sexist ways?
I sure hope he doesn't! (How's THAT for a stupid answer?!) Who will be eliminated first in "Total Drama World Tour," Owen or Lindsay? Also answer why and how!
Owen. How? Alejandro convinces everyone to vote him off. Why? He (Owen) broke wind in his (Alejandro's) face one too many times.
If Beth made it all the way to 2nd place in TDA, why wasn't she in TDWT? Don't go for the obvious.
Brady and Beth eloped and are now on their honeymoon in Paris, France! Who will be eliminated first in "Total Drama World Tour," Noah or Cody? Also answer why and how!
Noah. Everyone kept teasing about that little "incident" between him and Cody in the 3rd episode of TDI. Noah will become so furious that he knocks everyone out. Then he will be voted off.
Is Geoff responsible for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?
No, that would be Eva's fault because she had another one of her famous 'freak-outs.' Is Eva EVER going to get another chance to appear in another season of "Total Drama?"
Yes, but that evil Chris is trying to STOP her.
Why does DJ's mom hate a cheater? Don't go for the obvious.
She lost the slots in Las Vegas, Nevada one too many times. Who will get to see the episodes of "Total Drama World Tour" first, the U.S. or Canada? (Probably should be a this or that question but still...)
If DJ's mom was real, would she slap me if I asked DJ to toughen up?
That would depend on whether or not you were stronger than her. If yes, than she wouldn't. If you're not, than H*** YEAH she's going to slap you! If Gwen NEVER signed on to be on "Total Drama Island," what would she be doing instead right now?
Listening to rock music.
Is Chris responsible for the age limit for voting for US president? (The age limit is 18.)
Honestly, there is like a 1 in 100 chance.
Some one make up a question. I ran out of ideas.