I voted for Penny Foolish, so I got the first vote and Peny Foolish has one vote saying 100% since no one else voted for a different episode yet.
Anyway I think Penny Foolish is the worst but not with his behavior of being mean, cruel, and a jerk, more like definitely his behavior of extreme over-abuse of money obsession and greediness when it was only over a stupid penny.
I mean really, First he sees SpongeBob picking up something on the sidewalk where from Mr. Krab's view it looked like a penny, but you think he was just hallucinating? Either that or Mr. Krab's perhaps should have just went up to SpongeBob right away and tell him that it looked to Mr. K that he picked up a penny, where did you put it? And may I have it? I'm sure would have made the episode at least 10X better. But sadly the writers decide to annoy some of us fans with this episode and show some of the worst money obsession ever where it was a form of money that is the closest thing to being completely worthless nowadays. A penny. Big deal. Next we have Mr. Krabs building what looks to be quite a fabulus movie theater, and then destroys it just because he couldn't get a penny, are you kidding me? What was the point of that? And then even during the end Mr. Krabs tells SpongeBob about him seeing picking a penny up yesterday but it ends up being a wad of green gum. But here's another worst part, it ends up being a 500-dollar bill that was just abandoned, Mr. Krabs left and didn't notice it, and I could not believe SpongeBob just threw it on the ground! Does nobody care about larger and more valuable sums of money anymore? Well I know I still love larger and more valuable sums of money. So that episode also had one of the worst endings ever, (because c'mon a 500-dollar bill is better than and beats a penny anyday, but it was ingored probably because of the fact that the person who wrote this is a wackchop who likes to annoy people for some strange reason.) Then it ends with Mr. krabs still thinking SpongeBob had that penny but lost it somehwere and then goes out and digs for it. Whew, sorry for that being so long, but I just wanted to thoroughly explain my rant about everything that didn't seem right in that episode.
As for Krabby Kronicle I think that was the worst so far with Mr. Krabs being mean, heartless, and a jerk since he has poor SpongeBob blackmailing and hurting everyobdy with Mr. krabs foul idea for his newspaper plans. Plus Mr. Krab's also does something illegal, so that also sets a bad example for kids. (Another poorly written episode, who keeps doing this? Talk about a wicked bad and unhealthy habit, especially when you get into the gross humor, but don't even get me started on that.)
Well I'm done now so go ahead and post your descriptions of your most hated Mr. Krab's episode next!
Edited on 10/08/2008 12:11pm