I can see that there are Pros and Cons for these Weekly new Episodes, and some either like it or don't like it, and they each got their reasons as to why it is a good or bad thing.
Well, the only thing I feel like saying is that, for these Weekly Episodes, a Pro is that I think it kinda spreads it out and Happy friday usually plus it has you feel the nice Anticipation for a New Episode. the Second one is if that its a Show you like, them Spacing it out and only showing one New Episode a Week can help the Show last longer and it gives them more time to prepare an Episode so they won't have to rush as much and hurry through the Show by trying to Air as many Episodes as Possibleso they can endit so quickly.
Come to think of it that may be why they're showing all of these Weekly Episodes of SpongeBob, to rush through it and end it because of all the Negative Reviews and such may be why they're tryin to end this Show as soon as possible.