I know season 6 isn't finished yet but I still want to grade all the episodes I've seen so far in season 6.
Krabby Road: C
Not Normal: C+
Gone: D-
Suction Cup Symphony: C
Penny Foolish: F---
Nautical Novice: F
Spongicus: F
Pest of the West: F+
The Splinter: X-I actually haven't seen it yet but good thing because just hearing that it's a very horrible episode is enough for me to hate it already. So here's my grade anyway: F--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Infinity and beyond and should always have that score just like Fungus Among Us and Good Neighbors. 00)
Giant Squidward: X-haven't seen that one yet either.
A Life in a Day: D+
Sun Bleached: F+
House Fancy: C- (It would have been a C+ if it wasn't for that toenail scene.)
No Nose Knows: D
The Patty Caper: C
Plankton's Regular: D-
Boating Buddies: F-----
The Krabby Kronicle: F-----
WhoBob WahtPants: X-it hasn't aired yet but a tleast there's advertisements and news around here that it's coming.
Season 6 also has a lot of bad episodes...poor SpongeBob.