Ok, I didn't create this for people to say, "This show should be cancelled now" "Avatar is way better" "This show is going downhill fast" "The new season sucks" OR "it is coming to an end soon" because I am sick & tired of hearing this, lately
You lot call yourself...Spongebob fans, where is the proof of that then? Yes, maybe it isn't has good (from your own opinion) but your not a true fan, if you don't show the proper support. Katrina (Spongebobfan_17) is the only descent fan on this site (that I know of so far) you should go by her good example Also the SpongebobxSandy community seems to be the nicest bunch of Spongebob fans, which I've become friends with. Odd that!!! It is no wonder; they don't seem to come on here that much anymore.
I know "personal opinions" should be allowed to be heard of, that isn't a crime. But I made this quick / simple topic, so the most supportive fans can finally unite & talk about why we = LOVE THE SPONGE, TILL THE VERY END! So if you're a nice fan, let your voice (or typed words) be heard
Even though, somebody will probably ruin it