Yeah..they're better than the "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Reasons Why We Love Some Minor Character" threads
Totally. Now those are annoying. No offense to anyone who made one though!
Like me. I'm actually the only one who based one on a main character, so that was sort of aimed at myself They're still annoying though
What's annoying is how off-topic people go on them.
Yeah. Well it's usually me *blushes*
*mean stare*
And notice how we've gone off-topic again..
Oh wow.
If gave awards to each show forum, we'd probably get the one for "Most off Topic posts"
And the person who starts the off-topicness..WHAT?!?! Stop looking at me like that! (Here I go again )
But we can't even see you!
I'm usually the one who starts it. It's like dominoes. I say something that slightly veers off the course of what we're supposed to be talking about and then everybody starts talking about that instead of the subject of the thread!
*Phew* I knew it wasn't me
(Mean stare at RedSoxFan's avatar )
its fun going off-topic here because you rarely get TOSed for it. Like no one got TOSed at those:
PokeSponge123 wrote:
the "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Reasons Why We Love Some Minor Character" threads
which got very boring once we had to get back on-topic. (and I'm usually an off-topic-er, too )
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