Thanks to the over-advertising of SpongeBob and over-used time space, Avaar and El Tigre were barely shown anymore, and now both of them are canceled, but at least Avatar got one of the best (and most proper) endings ever that was a huge epic win.
I would say both shows are great, but if you watched like 2 or more episodes of Avatar, there is a good chance you will like it and want to watch it again due to its impressive plots and characters. SpongeBob also first aired WAY before Avatar started, unfortunately, SpongeBob started to get bad around when Avatar premiered in 2005. I am not saying that Avatar had something to do with the decreasing popularity of SpongeBob, but it is a coincidence tha when Avatar first came out, all of a sudden SpongeBob returns with something wrong with him (Like a boy coming back to his house after being out all day and realizes he got poison ivy.)
So i like both shows and both of them are awesome, Avatar was perhaps one of the best anime cartoons ever made (well in my eyes anyway) and it came off with a huge bang as a hit cartoon, just like SpongeBob did but alas, only seasons 1-3, and i will admit that there are some decent episodes in seasons 4-6, but SpongeBob i am afraid can't defeat the cleverly plotted episodes and detailed characters in Avatar right now. And since the Bikini Bottom Confidential episodes came out after the ending to Avatar, and some of the episodes were disliked by some people, that proves that Avatar had nothing to do with SpongeBob's decreasing quality and drop into the dark ages.
One thing that disturbs me though is when Avatar became very popular, sometime later Nick turns toward SpongeBob and wants to try and focus on it more, leaving avatar fans confused and frustrated, thye broadcast SpongeBob with a rather suprisingly high number of time slots to try and get more viewers, however, that does not seem to be working, as there are still many people who find the later seasons of SpongeBob mediocre at best. So i can see why Avatards are disturbed with this problem, as Avatar is an excellent show that deserves to be shown more, but Nick aggravates them by only caring about the Sponge even when 80% of the people on this board are saying seasons 4-6 suck.
One last thing is this: If SpongeBob SquarePants got a movie that made it into theaters, Avatar was an awesome cartoon as well with many viewers liking the great adventures the show has, so i find that Avatar should have also gotten a movie that made it into the movie theaters.
Edited on 08/29/2008 11:12pm