^Don't think so. Maybe Socko dated Carly's mom?? The world may never know.
Like Socko, Carly's mom and Freddie's dad were never shown on iCarly so that was what people were talking about. I thought the question was why it was being brought up, sorry.
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there's other ways he could have gotten his 'cool' socks. he says his friend, Conveniently named 'Socko' made them, but really it could have been anyone. he himself could have made them. or a family friend or whoever.
maybe, for all we know, Socko isn't even real. maybe Spencer just made him up because he did not want people knowing he made weird socks as a hobby.
i know i sound like i'm trolling (kind of), but i'm completely serious.
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maybe, for all we know, Socko isn't even real. maybe Spencer just made him up because he did not want people knowing he made weird socks as a hobby.
Lol! Seriously? You really think that as weird as Spencer is, that he'd care what people thought of that being his hobby?? I think it totally fits his character that he'd make weird socks. I mean, he makes weird everything-else. lol. Just sayin'.
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Okay, the topics about about Socko are good, I didn't think that this thread I made would get a lot of comments but it did. Although, Page 2 of this thread is off-topic so I agree with the users that say that user is off-topic and it doesn't have to deal with Socko
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You guys are overanalyzing again. Socko is simply Spencer's friend. It's just that we never see him (probably for budget reasons). Do we really need to see him? Well, did we really need to see Norm's wife on "Cheers?" Did we really need to see the neighbor's face on "Home Improvement?"
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