Nevel the Nub: Episode Two: iLove Candy!
Cara becomes addicted to candy and Carly comes to Nevel's house to yell at him about iNevel, but she figures out he is actually sweet now. She is surprised he has changed his ways and she asks him to be a special guest star with Cara on iCarly. Cara is too hyper on iCarly and has to leave, Nevel goes too, theystartmaking a new webisode of iNevel and she is fine, Nevel questions her and she reveals she ruined the webisode of iCarly to clear them of competion for the night. This leads to a fight since Nevel and Carly are now friends.
Episode Three: iHad a Fight
Nevel tells his mom about his fight with Cara, and she gives him a talk about friendship, bickering, and being there for each other, Nevel talks to Freddie to get another boy's opinion and he and Cara apologize to each other and make a webisode of iNevel about friendship.
Episode Four: iKissed Cara!
Freddie is leaning towards Cara to look at a picture on her laptop and accidentally kisses her, leading them to be extremely nervous around each other, at the end of the episode, they realize they like each other and kiss again.
Episode Five: iGot a Makeover
Cara gets a makeover, she no longer has glasses, moles, zits, or uneven hair, she is extremely pretty, and she is popular as well, making Nevel popular too since they are going out.