About what Mab (i'm still shortening your name, hope you dont mind, im just to lazy) said about how kids are different then we were. OMG my cousins was telling me this story about how her daughter's friend from school is so spoiled. She is SIX years old, has a COACH bag, iPod touch, a cell phone, this very expensive bike and 2 PAIRS OF UGGS!!! WTF? Those things didnt even exist when we were little (besides the bag). Then there was this other part that was HILARIOUS but i cant really say what it was over the internets so if you wana know, feel free to PM me.
But hey, its the same thing for each generation: "you guys are so spoiled compared to us."
Well, lets go to some stereotypical grandpa monologue talking about OUR generation (not this current one, the now ages 12-20ish one)
"You kids and your Pok-a-mans and your Gamestations!! Back when i was your age, there was this thing called the Great Depression! [not making fun of the depression and stuff btw] All we had to enjoy ourselves was a stick and a can!...and sometimes Chalk and a Ball! and if we were lucky, we'd get to ride a Horse! not these crazy Cady-lacs and Mustang convertibles! I got to ride a REAL MUSTANG! Lemme tells ya, it was fast. Oh by the way, can you get me some apple juice? funny story about apples i have from the 1960s back when your mommy was a little girl...(blah blah blah)"
Though, i did buy Pokemon SoulSilver to have some fun nostalgia.
Also, bout the kiss thing. Well, when i had a family reunion people from Italy i NEVER met before came there, they all greated me with kisses on the cheeks. It depends on what you think is right. Lol not the best example is it? As long as it wasnt on the lips, no body should complain. And if it was, they still shouldnt complain.