Ugh! Call me tempestuous, but I don'tf-ing care about Victoria Justice trying caviar for the first time!I CARE ABOUT THE FUNFACTS! I would think Danwould AT LEAST have the curtesy to update us on the status of the funfacts. Is he uploading now? Are they still on his computer? Is he working on it? Did he even START IT yet? I know he said he was working on them like, a week ago.. but still..
I guess it's safe to say RIP iCarly. Or at least RIP Dan Schneider's interest in iCarly. Even though iCarly and Victorious have different production cycles, he still needs to post the funfacts he's made fans look foward to every week. (And yes I am aware that he doesn't HAVE to post them, but he does and fans look foward to them every week, so he should lay in the bed he has made, if that adage applies here.)
Edited 2 total times.