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Avatar: The Last Airbender Forums

Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Zuko Katara Aang

  • Avatar of raienbrasa


    [61]May 4, 2008
    • member since: 10/30/06
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    0rphanim wrote:

    Would either happen with so much speculation about them both? Will there ever be a relationship or just the hint of one?

    I am for Katara and Zuko myself. Aang is just a boy, uncomplicated and his story appears to be based in coming to terms with who he is and his destiny, whilst being a kid. A destiny he wouldn't be able to achieve without the support of his friends. (Sort of like Harry and Hermione).I imagine the relationship he has with Katara will be stronger for them not being involved.

    And Katara is his best friend. She is his support. Not really a relationship that has its basis in anything romantic, particularly considering her overwhelming sense of responsibility for him. There is no tension there, no spark, but more of a comfortable easiness and security. And yeah, he'll grow up but she already has.

    Zuko is far more passionate, disciplined and mature. And there is just such dichotomy in their differences; sun/moon, fire/water, life/destruction. Yet fundamentally they are similar; faithful, persistent, idealistic, with an innate sense of justice and integrity. Their similarities and opposites mean they effect one another on such profound levels.

    He disturbs her, threatens her and challenges her. All of the things Aang doesn't. She has such a wealth of preconceived notions and Zuko challenges all of those whilst being someone she is not responsible for. He is as passionate as she is and she can't pigeonhole him.

    And this, n00bs, is an example of an excellent first post, all shipping opinions aside.

    9001 internets to this interneter!
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  • Avatar of 0rphanim


    [62]May 4, 2008
    • member since: 05/04/08
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    • posts: 2

    Ahhhh but she wouldn't have such a strong (albeit negative) reaction to Zuko if he didn't affect her

    And so many people wouldn't be speculating about the possibility of relationships if the writers hadn't added just enough basis for us all to be made curious.

    Is Katara feeling threatened/territorial for Aang or herself?

    The fundamental story is based on the concept for the need and restoration of balance (both external and internal). By their very natures Zuko and Katara compliment and balance one another. They are similar but opposites who test one anothers' prejudices and uncertainties. They are equal in temper and self-righteousness. The possibility of any union between them seems impossible and yet significant, if they could put their differences aside.

    Katara has a tendency to hide behind her 'duty/responsibility' to Aang. Even her flirtation with him is safe in that it's on her terms. She's never been truly tested outside of her commitment to Aang's mission. She has yet to evolve significantly as a character. Zuko is the unpredictable and self-posessed element.

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