Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
ger5632 wrote: |
honestly, i'd rather Avatar just end like had a perfect ending and i wouldn't want to ruin that. |
people who do not like the idea of it being live action are just angry because they are so used to it being animated.
Water78 wrote: |
people who do not like the idea of it being live action are just angry because they are so used to it being animated. |
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
They need to make Aqua Teen Hunger Force into live action.
Water78 wrote: |
people who do not like the idea of it being live action are just angry because they are so used to it being animated. |
Sektos wrote: | ||
Well thats indepth No MY issue is that you are condensing a 62 episode show into three films!!! There are things from a series u cant bring to a movie, like character development spanning 62 EPISODES!, unless u make some significant changes to plot and/or characters. I DO NOT TRUST M Night to do this AT ALLLLLLL. A better director probably could pull it off (Peter Jackson did amazing job with LotR) The movie itself will probably end up being kid fluff and thats it IFFFFFF the movie had been about a NEW avatar then they would have had free reign and added something new to the Avatar universe. Instead be prepared for another Golden Compass |
Water78 wrote: |
well that's undepth The whole point of the movie{s} is to introduce the series to a wider range. So changing it would confuse new comers to the show. They arent trying to annoy fans they are trying to help avatar addicts |
Sektos wrote: | ||
Its not introducing the series to a wider audience, its introducing them to the story of Avatar and the characters. How new comers would get confused between something they've never seen and the film doesnt make sense. More likely they'll view the movie, and if it just jams in episode plots of season into 2 hours (prob less seeing as they are marketing to kids), they will not like it. More likely it'll piss off fans if the movie makes no coherent sense and has bad acting (another reason to go for an older cast), resulting in bastardisation of the show. It just makes more sense to to do something new where u arent limited. Something different could please almost all fans (no one could complain that the plot or characters are not the same) and newcomers will have another whole story to discover when checking out the series. The characters arent going to even BE the same age by time they are up movie 3, Aang most likely be 16 or 17 by then if they stick with same kid. You change ALOT in your Teenage years. Katara, using time difference, would be 18 or 19. Kataang be weirder if its less time and is 15 and 17. Girls by that point are fully matured, but guys can still be undeveloped (feel the pedo vibe As a adaptation, and a potential cash-cow for studio, im suprised they're limiting this to 3 movies actually. You defintitely have more than 3 arcs in the show. *** S1 can be condensed into One film, there's alot of stand alone episodes that can be removed (thou unfortunate because there's some cool ones). *** Season 2 should be 2 movies - 1st Getting to Ba Sing Sei with Azula chasing traitors Iroh and Zuko (removing chasing Gaang so Azula meets Aang in Drill as last act), Toph + training. 2nd being Conspiracy of Dailee and Azula taking over. *** Season 3 would be Day of Black Sun (ALOT u can remove from start of S3) and a seperate film for Sozins comet. Together you have 5 films **** HOWEVER i imagine (and this does work well) they are going to remove the Eclipse, library and Appa being stolen, most likely have ZUko join the Gaang at end of movie 2 with big fight with Azula. THis leads directly into Sozins comet. In fact drill will prob also be gone (and getting into serious surgery on interesting S2 arc *tear*) and probably also will be the conspiracy. ORRRR they remove everything B4 Ba Sing and have Gaang arrive there at start and meet Toph there. Zuko either start by being in city or almost be captured by Azula and then going to city. There is ALOT of gold getting chopped |