WiseLad wrote: |
the only thing that is certain is that 315 should have aired before May 6th but it seems NICK is officially supe-moronic and won't air 312 till July(maybe they will air in kids on demand)
IN Canada
July 4th 314???
only common sense scenario in the USA left (but now we expect NICK to continue being Moronic)
in here at the nick site they say new episodes July 14th!! they won't air in NICK until July and it says the "conclusion" will be in July 2008
chances are these 2 1- Monday 7/14 312 Tuesday 7/15 313? Wed 7/16 314-315 Thursday 7/17 316 Friday 7/18 317 Saturday 7/19 or Friday 7/26 Finale or 2- 7/14 312 7/15 313 7/16 314-315 7/17 316-317 7/18 Finale
"Sozin's Comet: The Final Battle" Book
preview of the finale? or a recount of the battle episode? if it is a recount, it will be available BEFORE the episode airs it seems, that would be a moronic move; or they might move the release to a later date