Kyoshi. Take that xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx. I know that Toph is awesome, but I also know that Aang can beat her, as well as Jeong Jeong, Iroh, Possibly Pakku(since he has had more experience), Possibly Azula(She has also had a little more, its close), and Ozai(if he isn't just a pushover). But Katara had a month of formal training and Toph had six tears of practice and won 42-0 in the earth rumble tournaments. I used Katara because people(including you) put her on a high pedestal for no reason other than the creators seem fit to have her look better than she is, or could ever possibly be. And about Toph only being able to see earth-based attacks, 1. She "saw" Mai's daggers and blocked them.
2. She felt a man shaking.
3. She knew a guy was lying because of his heart rate.
4. She took the boulder out because he TOOK a step, he hadn't even put his foot down before she tripped him.
So it really doesn't matter what kind of attack it is, she would see it. Depending on the skill of the attacker, she might or might not be able to block/beat him/her. She's not the best, but she's pretty damn near close, better than Katara at least.