Colonel_Brian wrote: | ||||
So be it (Pulls out swords and prepares to attack) |
STOP GENERAL! I have solved all of our junk food problems. Down with the poorly dieted!
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Colonel_Brian wrote: | ||||
So be it (Pulls out swords and prepares to attack) |
STOP GENERAL! I have solved all of our junk food problems. Down with the poorly dieted!
Colonel_Brian wrote: | ||||
So be it (Pulls out swords and prepares to attack) |
JimmyxCindy wrote: | ||||||
Don't worry Kimberly (which I finally saw in your sig), I have solved our problems, but not without a pun!
JimmyxCindy wrote: | ||||||
Because it's Justice!!! (I've been currupted to blieve this)
soccerdawg76 wrote: | ||||||||
Don't worry Kimberly (which I finally saw in your sig), I have solved our problems, but not without a pun! |
Colonel_Brian wrote: | ||||||||
Because it's Justice!!! (I've been currupted to blieve this) |
Yes and justice should come at any cost
JimmyxCindy wrote: | ||||||||||
What does xD mean. And are you being sarcastic with the omg?
soccerdawg76 wrote: | ||||||||||||
What does xD mean. And are you being sarcastic with the omg? |
soccerdawg76 wrote: | ||||||||||||
What does xD mean. And are you being sarcastic with the omg? |
JimmyxCindy wrote: | ||||||||||||||
Colonel_Brian wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
Ya my head still hurts from typing the timeout and smoothie ones. Now to the northwest corner (or was it the dining room table?)
soccerdawg76 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
Ya my head still hurts from typing the timeout and smoothie ones. Now to the northwest corner (or was it the dining room table?) |
GIVElove wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||
The squiggly cuz my stomach hurts (he's in pain) and the angry one because I have to click the smily button like 50 times to make it come up my comps like "Pop up window blocked" but it's the only one it blocks! GEEZ!
Colonel_Brian wrote: |
CoughhewillCough |
you surprise me o so much