Quote: Wiselad "...continue fighting, and we might end up with a ship named Zukatarang just to make everyone happy."
Hey kinky!
No, I think the writers envision Kataang (much to my chagrin). Don't get me wrong. Aang is a sweet kid who loves Katara but I've really seen it as a brother/sister (on her part) relationship and now they want to move it in a romantic direction. I just don't feel it. Meh.
Thank goodness for fanon where Zutara lives and thrives!
I'm actually more annoyed about the digression of Zuko's character. I have to believe this is a temporary setback (one step forward, two steps back) and he will end up making the right choices and made amends in the future, because I refuse to believe the writers would give him a whole redemption tale in season 2 and then have him revert to the callous, shallow, arrogant Fire Prince without any apparent redeeming qualities. If this is all we get of Zuko, I'm going to be terribly frustrated.
As for Zuko/Mai, if my speculation is correct, she is consistent with his current backsliding but unless she's less shallow and has more of a conscience than we've seen so far, I just don't see it lasting. We'll see I guess.
ETA: Is anyone else having html error problems today?
Edited on 09/28/2007 11:47am
Edited 4 total times.