Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Ty Lee
Angsty Aang or Too Happy Zuko?
Angsty Aang
Toph or Meng?
Sokka the detective or Sokka the psychiatrist?
appa the size of momo or momo the size of appa
Appa the size of Momo, I haven't seen that one yet.
Fire-tribe or Water-Nation?
Fire Tribe. Sounds exotic.
Who's more badass: Azula or Ozai?
Sokka's boomerang or Sokka's sword?
Sokka's sword
Sokka's fakebeard or Sokka's mustach in Tales of Ba sing Se
You skipped one...
1) Sokka's fake Beard
2) Nightmares and Daydreams
Question: Tokka, Sukka, Neither, or both?
Suki: dead or alive?
TyLee, Fat OR have tons of warts?
fat Ty-Lee (at least her bewbies will balance out)
Aang's old glider or new glider?
Aang's new glider is wicked cool, but his old one was the one he inherited from the monks. So I pick the latter.
Sand Benders or Swamp Benders?