Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
falling asleep while fling.
this thread or the avatar is__________________- thread
Appa's arrow and six legs.
Azula's Agility or Iroh's newly found strenght?
Sokka's meteor sword
Shirshu or Appa?
shirshu (that would be awesome having one of those!)
lol this reminds me of my old 'who would beat who in a fight' thread
Ozai's lightning or Azula's lightning?
Ozai's lightning for sure.
Katara in Season 2 or Katara in Season 3
Katara in Season 3.
Better-sounding word: geomancer or Earthbending?
Wtaerbending in a volcano or firebending in the ocean?
WB in Volcano.
Lo's cookies or Mai's cake?
Sokka's wolf helmet
Long Feng or Hama?
Katara in Fire Nation outfit or Katara in Water Tribe outfit?
'sweet' or 'Katara and i found aang in an iceberg now i didn't like him at first...'
since there were 2 replies 2 the last 1, il just answer both:
Katara in water tribe outfit (she luked tarty in her fire one)
and secondly "katara and i found aang in an iceberg now i didnt like aang at first......"
Zuko's scar or Aang's tatoos
zuko's scar.
TyLee or Beyonce