I think Sokka will kill Azula and Mai in a murder rampage then Make Ty Lee crazy by atacking her, almost killing her, and for the rest of her life she will say "I'm in my happy place my happy place my happy place". Then Sokka will drink a ton of cactus juice. After he will go up to Firelord Ozai (still drunk on cactus and has a bottle in his hand) and say "you know firelord I don't like you, you tryed to kill the moon, you killed Suka or Suki or Salamdfas or something like that,and you tryed to take my bommeraung now I'm maaadddddddddZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" then falls asleep and drops cactus juice in Ozai's mouth and Ozai says"AAAAAA I'M ALERGIC TO CACTUS JUICE I WILL DIIII" then Ozai dies.?? finaly??Sokka finds Suki's body(dead) and makes out with it(Sokka is a necrofeleac)
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? THE END
Edited on 11/24/2006 4:06pm
Edited 2 total times.