You wanna see some really funny Avatar stuff check out the Avatar entry on Encyclopedia I'd provide a direct link, but since it's encyclopedia dramatica, it has some *ahem* adult themed images and cussin' and I'm not about to get modded for that.
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You wanna see some really funny Avatar stuff check out the Avatar entry on Encyclopedia I'd provide a direct link, but since it's encyclopedia dramatica, it has some *ahem* adult themed images and cussin' and I'm not about to get modded for that.
I wouldn't recommend that. There are massive spoilers at the very top of the page. Plus they make fun of Lisa apparently.
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You wanna see some really funny Avatar stuff check out the Avatar entry on Encyclopedia I'd provide a direct link, but since it's encyclopedia dramatica, it has some *ahem* adult themed images and cussin' and I'm not about to get modded for that.
I wouldn't recommend that. There are massive spoilers at the very top of the page. Plus they make fun of Lisa apparently.
Those aren't really spoilers, they just confirm the ending most people figured on. The only thing they "spoil" is the possibility of some twist like Aang dying or whatever(which was already denied by the creators themselves anyway).
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