me thinks that the order is random because i got it but i wasnt paying attention i started with the one closest then far left then middle right then far right but the order changed on the second try. them nick guys are sneaky! [further edit, 5min after posting this message the first time] Aha! the notes on the reeds change depending on the way you start further proving the randomness[even further edit] the notes dont change after all but you have to match the notes as they are playing i think so technicly it is still random.
far left and far right are deep notes and the middles are higher pitched
the notes form the reeds do change if you do back the the map sorry yay i got it the koh question answer is tui and la[ [on bottom of answer thing] not lui and ta, [this is on top of answer thing]
i spent half hour figuring out puzzle for your ease, enjoy!
Edited on 02/24/2007 11:47am
Edited 4 total times.