daveshanFromGMU wrote: |
Hey, quick question to people who are for Katara and Aang (which means that this one question will spark another huge debate in the complete opposite direction): Katara hugging Aang, has it ever been done for her emotional comfort rather than his? I ask this because, at the end of "The Puppetmaster" when Hema congradulates Katara for being a bloodbender, she starts to cry and Sokka and Aang try to comfort her. Instead of hugging Aang, or Sokka ( addressed to AKB to prevent incest shipping coming out of this), she just keeps crying. If her huggs were to provide her with emotional support and comfort, wouldn't she have hugged Aang? So, I guess that was actually two questions. Oh well. |
I don't see what diference it makes,I really don't care who she huged